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Reviews for "Grey Story"

I didn't got it, but still a good game.

I didn't understood the story or the ending.
People already said me when reviewing a story I wrote that, even if I can understand the connecting lines of the story and understanding the whole picture, I didn't was able to put these elements on the story to make it clear for who is reading. I think the same happens in this game. The story may do have a point, but is a little obscure for some players, including me.

By the way, the game is still great, and the music gives a nice atmosphere.

I don't know if is just me, but the game was a little laggy, especially on the jumps or when the character's shadow trail got bigger...

Anyway, I liked it. =)

What a bitch

there's the summary of the game


I really liked the game, so I decided to leave this passage of text in case you, the author, ever felt like taking a read

Excellent. I really enjoy Hero fading out as the game progressed. what I had expected was for Hero to go from black to white, turning in the last item making him white/transparent. then, we watch the other character do whatev. effectively the same thing

For gameplay, I didn't really notice the slide (tap a directional key and you kind of slide after the movement is complete) until after a few items were returned. not sure if that's an intended effect? it could symbolize losing control

In terms of story, I really like how ambiguous you made this. when I turned in the first item, I detected lots of Feel incoming. rightfully delivered

For music? not sure you could have selected someone better to showcase, for shadow6nothing9 is a fabulous composer. though, for a next title, I suggest multiple tracks that are reactive to the player's placement in the story
I assume the track was not made with the game in mind, thus the song feels out of place, slightly. this is due to length differences, dynamics, tempo, and progression. it still Feels good, but it could Feel better, you Feel me?


It is so expresive, and have a bit of suspence in game with the music!!


a nine just cause he doesnt have arms...