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Reviews for "Alight (in dreams)"

I'm sorry.

While the story was pretty good, the game got repetitive really fast. As for your 8th level, I doubt anyone will ever find it. The game isn't addictive enough, and while the story drove me to get all 3 "endings" (finish each level at least once with every trinket), the 8th level is WAY too well hidden (or hard to access). Leave those kind of secrets for games that are games. For pieces of interactive art like this, the key is not to put something out of reach of the player in a hope someone will, eventually, find it, but to lay clues everywhere as to where it is, leaving it as a mystery to be solved.

Overall, it was way too difficult for the engagement of the story, especially with the mechanics you gave it (Too many times have I been caught by an almost hidden flock of birds or gust of wind and pulled into the smoke. The ravens, too, are completely useless, aside for usage as a metaphor for the regrets of the past.)

too slow

i know you were going for some sentimental mawkish bs... who hasn't? seems like theres a bunch of these games and they are all the same. very generic. id say this is a bit sub par comparatively speaking because the controls are very sluggish and the visuals arent that pretty. ive kind of had enough of these games as well. i wish they would stop getting made, they are ruining this portal. they take little to no effort to make, just some guy who smokes alot of whatever then writes down some non-sequiter blurbs that have a veneer of deep thought, but dont go much further than superficial nonsense about a less-than-extraordinary life occurrence. for those reading: dont be fooled! do not get sucked into the faddish trance of so-called "deep thought" games. take a step back, and realize that this game sucks.

ok game

the gameplay is ok but the story is all emotional and so boring. there were not many hard or challenging parts in the game. if this was a somehow an all emotional flash movie then it would've been great but as a game it sucks.

kinda boring

its okay and boring

A 3 for Effort

I love artsy games and all but IMHO! this game blows~ It was just pure arse in my opinion =\