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Reviews for "--Orange--"

then later

the military rolls in and sets up a quarantine perimeter. As the coloured people try to approach but the army open fire and the colourd ones are sent into a frenzy. They try to colour the military. The military organization and fire power saves the majority but some arn't so lucky and they turn against there own men. Soon the infection can not be contained any longer and the government gives the grey light on a nuclear bombing of the infected area. Though the initial blast kills the vast majority the coloured ones and there leader Orange, Ltn Pink seeks revenge on the people that killed her creator with the help of her newly formed mutant army.

Good animation and message.

You kept it short and sweet. The animation was good and the storyline was simple.
The music was fitting.

It made me smile! :)

Good job but...

The story seemed to be a simplified version of the movie Pleasantville. It looks pretty great for 48 hours or work, but I cant get passed the fact that the idea is not as original as some of the other viewers seem to think (and that drives me kind of crazy). Based on animation I'm going to give it an 8. Im not impressed with the story though.


A bit short, but teachs a life lesson. Anyway this reminds me of de Blob. Great job!


So cute! ^o^
And a good message too!