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Reviews for "Checkpoint"


Now this isn't exactly the game's fault (Well, yes actually. But not all of it) but it's just jumping on the bandwagon of death puzzles where an omnipotent voice is berating you or taunting you. It's just...lame. No other word for it. It's a pale imitation of dozens of better games.

Warning: this game is suitable for masochists only

In my humble opinion, a game is something that should entertain the player first and foremost. But it seems fairly obvious that you made this game with the primary intent of entertaining yourself.

It's functional enough that people are willing to play it for more than 5 minutes, but very little care went into the design otherwise. The physics are quite sloppy and inconsistent; wall-jumping up a single wall, your progress upward with each bound varies by a margin of 75 pixels, and I once had the misfortune of staying perfectly still near a sawblade, have it pass over me without injury, then pass me again and kill me. Not to mention you can literally duck-slide from a ladder to your death.

In level design, it seems that the game just doesn't know what it wants to be. A straight-up action platformer, a "corpse-maker" puzzle platformer, or a series of trial-and-error levels in the style of IWBTG. It does all of these with equal lack of polish, and I feel the lack of quality could have been fixed if you had settled into just one of those genres.

Finally, there's the announcer. First of all, the concept of a snarking, omnipresent announcer is a trope so overused that it practically borders on cliche, but this game is a shining example of how NOT to implement it. Instead of injecting humor into the game, it mean-spiritedly lobs personal jab after jab on the player. I won't lie, this is my biggest beef with the game, more so than the above points. I think I'm in the majority opinion when I say that it accomplishes nothing other than to put the player in a bad mood. And that's my strongest argument for claiming that you put your own amusement ahead of the player's when developing this game. This is not a good road to go down. Whatever future games you may make, you cannot simply bully the player, especially if you don't mix it in with some sort of emotional reward to offset it. All it manages to accomplish is make the player so disgusted with the game that he simply refuses to invest any more time in it.

So, to recap:
- Test your game extensively, and make sure the controls and physics are as polished as you can make them. Hold off on releasing it if you suspect for even a moment that it can be tweaked to be better.
- Decide what the main focus of your game is going to be. This is a jack-of-all-trades, master-of-none. Give the player ONE type of game to draw them in, specialize in that one type of gameplay, and merely dabble in others for variety.
- If you insist on using an announcer in the future, give it more personality than a peanut gallery. Give it a personal grudge against the player, or make it genuinely upset when the player succeeds. Or, be creative and put a new spin on it that no one's ever thought of before.

it is okay

recycled rerun. Dude seriously im at death 300 lvl 32, the least u could have done was give use some clue when this dam thing is going to end. a few things that buged me are, when standing next to a wall and u jump u leap at an angle, the first 2 spikes u can actually stand on, aliding when there is no ice, and a few others that i wont go into cuz they are more of pet peeve things. music deffinitly goes well with the game. playability good. but a game that is more addicting/anoying rather than enjoyable. For me since i couldnt tell how far in/how much closer i was to completing the the game made me give up where i was.

The music is nice, the game sucks ass.

Irritating and generally unsatisfing

This game looked like it had potential but there are too many glitches and control problems for it to really work well, for instance, sometimes instead of clinging to walls you bounce off, this became especially annoying in later rooms, along with the fact that in every room with a waterfall the framerate goes to shit, going practically five times slower than average speed. What pissed me off the most though was the fact that if you stop sliding when under a narrow passage, YOU DIE. This means that in spots where you don't have alot of room to run to get sliding speed, due to a creature chasing you or simply a short movement space, it's rage-inducingly hard to slide past without stopping slightly short and dying instantly for no adequately explained reason. Also, the hitboxes need to be better rounded, often I would find most of the character's body inside the head of a dragon without getting hit by it, this seems to be the opposite for the saws and spikes though, as often I would die when the character model wasn't fully in contact. This game needs some serious spit and polish, but it could be a pretty good game, though another problem is the originality, as it looks and feels like a lower-quality version of Exit Path, which got most of the things this game did fairly poorly and did them much better. Overall I just found it to be... cheap, like a big chunky mess of plastic Chuck-E-Cheese prizes. Nice try, but no, better luck with your next game.