this was a great flash. the graphics where great and the humor was original. good work
this was a great flash. the graphics where great and the humor was original. good work
This is...Funny.
Funny to watch. I thought it was funny. I gave good humor rating. The only violence was shooting the zombie though, but hell, the thing with the tootsie pop boy is funny. "Mr. Owl."
I like this one
This is better then the mentos one. Good job
That was great.
Perfect parody of the tootsie roll commercials. I scored it a 10 for style because the owl looked exactly like the one from the days of old. Hilarious! "How many shots does it take to kill a zombie in resident evil?" Classic.
That's really all I have to say about it. The voices were great as well. Simple yet effective (I loved Mr. Turtle). Very fun stuff. Thanks for sharing, buddy. So says Dr. "BRAAAAAIIINS" Manhattan...
This is mad funny pow pow pow. LOLOL