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Reviews for "Intruded"

Great concept

Liked the whole setup of the game, brought me back to the days where you played alot of alone in the dark 2 or ^the otherside^ can't really remember what the real name of the game is but it's alot similar to this, but i digress.

The whole thing about your game was that it was kinda setup for a scary situation where you don't know what's behind the next corner, and the camera angles contributed much to that feeling ( though it was abit much switching camera angles in the end) And long dark corridors and spaced out rooms that you could visualize in some better grafics and, yeah, it looked neat!

But the best thing about this game is that it is more challenging than usual games, and that's the best thing about games if you ask me, and the controls contribute to that, really love the feeling to overcome a hardship and it's not very usual nowadays since like 70% of the games on the market don't have a *you die* function. just that you magically reappear on the ledge where you fell off the moment before, but again i digress.

Anyways really good game, really enjoyed, and just started an account to write this review


It was a unique idea, but I think you should've thought it more thoroughly. It was interesting at first, but then as the camera angles kept changing more rapidly, I felt a pain growing in my eyes. If you decide to ignore the pain like I do, you'd just become more bored instead of challenged. Like I stated before, a very interesting and unique idea, you should've just spent a little more time on it to make it a little more appealing.

great concpet and art, fail game

It was really cool, semi creepy looking. I liked the camera angles and perspective. However, the gameplay is horrid. The sole challenge of the game are how well you can deal with the crappy controls and camera angle switches.

Ho Hum

So I can see here that this game is pretty much "camera angles try to kill you." Camera angles trying to kill you is annoying.

I can see what you attempted,,,,

But I am sorry to say it failed. The controls are clunky, the music gets annoying and the game was ugly.

Let me just start off with the worst part of the game: the controls. These were the worst controls I have ever seen in a flash game. I found myself tapping the left arrow and having my character blindly walk into a hole, sharp object, or even a wall. Not only that but it gets confusing as the camera changes angles and you do not know what up or down is.

Now for the music. I am very tolerant when it comes to music. But this was horrible. I had to turn off my speakers after the 15th repeated loop. And in the backround of the music, it sounds like someone is scraping nails on a chalkboard. This just makes the game seem over dramatic and strange.

Finally the graphics. I know you are trying to make it look like a security camera is filming all of this, which, honestly, is perfectly fine. I have no issues with that. But sometimes I cannot even tell if I am walking on a board or on a full floor. And the textures are so bland and ugly its just surprising.

You tried to make the game feel dramatic, but in the end it just looked silly. The game has potential, but in the end, it makes you wish you had never laid eyes on it. This game will pass by and nobody will ever remember this. Completely forgettable and unsatisfying.