Amazing!!!! love Them!!!! moreeeeeee! -__- when's the next one????? XD
Amazing!!!! love Them!!!! moreeeeeee! -__- when's the next one????? XD
can someone help me ive been reading reveiws and i think this would be awesome but , i cant watch it! Its just a big white square with a symbol at the top please help!
tits poping out :D :D :D who would have thought !!! O_O
You know, I would say your other work was good - but this has redefined and changed all of that. Not only did you become better at plot writing, but your animation continues to be good. The overall plot has changed from a weakling providing comic relief, to a super hero that is having trouble adjusting to the fact everything bad just keeps happening or the fact his situation just keeps getting worse. One can only hope once he saves Zelda that it will all pay off.
it's funny how he got cock blocked in the end