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Reviews for "SS - The Flower of Life"

I hate to say it

I have loved your other lessons but this... this makes me think you ball shiting us

RiverJordan responds:

Could be, you decide.

Interesting Animation...

But that's about it. Outside of that, you observe that various shapes in geometry have a lot in common ... therefore spirits? The apparent line of reasoning began assuming spirit, and then concluded with it. Hello, circular reasoning. Most of the conclusions you jump to appear to have little to no justification, being pure speculation. The few times you do attempt to back a claim, the evidence is faulty or extremely weak at best. I would hardly label this as science.

To throw out crop circles as proof of aliens, when there have been several documented cases of crop circles being created by a few humans using sleds, rope, and wooden stakes? That's quite a leap to take a thing easily explainable by mundane means and claim proof of extraterrestrials.

And this idea of a shape or collection of shapes that are being kept secret, that you are going to show us because no one else will ... all documented on Wikipedia. So much for it being a secret. The claim that soldiers in the street would, in ancient times, kill people for even mentioning the name of a geometric shape sounds ludicrous. Where's your source for that, I could find nothing on the subject.

I find it interesting that you even addressed skepticism early on, asking people to watch with an open mind. Please do not confuse open-mindedness with gullibility. Rational and critical thought processes still will discount this as most of the claims within are baseless, outside of geometry being internally similar and following rules of mathematics.

...and then to end it all with the arrogant inference that all this information just caused a "mindgasm" in the viewer? "Brain-fart" is more like it.


The very minute you whipped out the picture of crop circles, i giggled, It's proven that crop circles can be man made and normally are I see no reason why a Alien civilization would travel the universe in search of other intelligent life then travel to there own planet discuss there actions then travel all the way back and flatten a few crops be realistic, and also 8cell embryo's are not shaped like that, in most cases they are normally staggered around, you need to do more research before you post them as fact, there are beyond to many flaws in this to even interest me in writing down.

Woah...OK. Where do I begin...

I believe the biggest flaw in your discussion is how you conclude that everything in the physical world comes from "spirit," by drawing imaginary lines between geometry and the metaphysical. I won't argue with you for a second that the flower of life contains many interesting geometrical configurations that can be related to the physical world, and also holds perhaps even interesting historical significance. But as soon as you claim that the physical arises from the spirit (in the form of a circle?!), you enter the realm of pseudo-science. Maybe that's what you mean by spirit science.

And the crop circles? Please...

P.S. I did enjoy Lisi's theory (linked), but failed to see what it had to do with your discussion.

RiverJordan responds:

All of the subatomic particles make forms like metatrons cube and flower of life patterns


Such unimaginable bullshit it doesn't even merit me writing any more. Take any sufficiently complicated array of lines and points, stare at it long enough, and you'll see whatever you want in it. 3 points for the hard work, and no points for wasting everyone's time, and polluting minds which deserve a lot better with this metaphysical hippie garbage.