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Reviews for "SS - Keys of our Past"

Very hard to pick a rating

This is not what poeple generally think of when it comes to an animation, thus making it that much harder to rate. This is more of an explination then animation but they help each other hand and hand. Bottom line is that the animation helps understand the explination and the explination is easier to understand every time you see the video play.
~now my Q. about what you say early on in the video about our first contact with the Greys, are you refering to the roswell crash or anouther event? Also when you said "We" made first contact what group are you refering to?
P.S. I laughed at the 2012 :)

RiverJordan responds:

Rosswell crash was in the 40's or 50's wasn't it? I think..

My source on this first says that the grays made first contact with people in 1912. My best guess that one of the first people they communicated with was Nikola Tesla. Many of his most incredible inventions were based on information that the ET's provided with him. In the 40's someone asked him "where did you come up with these inventions?" and he replied "ET's told me", im sure in the 40's they thought he was kidding.

So.. i'm not exactly sure what this first event was, it may not have been in 1912 after all, but it was definitely between 1912 and 1930.

very interesting

im glad that the fibonacci sequence its getting more attention in this than other stuff. from a song matching the beat and words to it to mesureing things that match up. and i laughed my ass off at the mayan thing. glad someone knows what it really means and not all this apocalyptic religious masturbation of the world ending and all this stuff. and looking at current events its even worse with "god" being too impatient to wait for 20/12 so he moved it to may 21'st. aslo the bit on the whole right and left during pt 3 i think is a great problem ive been running into. all these scientists and all saying that life is this or that way and no other thing. when i still go with the "slow vibration" theory. but back to the part about religion and understanding of...for lack of a better term things. i think it may have lead to the whole NWO theory and other things. even though there is some vilidity to this the whole part about the people on the NWO side are statanist vile people i think is just a fear tactic to get more followers. preying on christian catholic ect fears of "bad deity X" is trying to destory you and your religion. keeping people in perpetual fear and slowing or maybe even stopping people from exploring new ideas and such. like relying on the state to say you are free or religion to say you are good when most of the time thats not the case. you do not need a piece of old paper or government to say you are free because you are born that way. and you do not need a religion to say you are good but to look at yourself and what your doing or where your society is going and change it. because both have used there "morality" to justify terrible terrible things people are fooled into joining wars and people self loath because there religion says something natural is bad and they are bad for doing it thus sending them to "bad place X"....i should stop rambling now hope i explained what i was trying to say well

RiverJordan responds:

That was a pretty intense wall of text!

very interesting

some parts i already knew, like the age of civilisation, and the "wobbles" , but i got more meat on the bone from this, it was truly interesting and it seems that you have researched the subjects thoroughly.
i am a fan now, and i look forward to more learning :D

hands with genre symbols

were backwards

but i digress, much of that makes sense except for the thought of light being mixed up with conciusness in the stars or something, and as im a big skeptical fag if you disregard the hypothesis that says we are more concious when aligned with the center of the universe (universe doesnt have a center cuz its endless) the all crumble to ashes

it is interesting though, but if i were to apply both logical and emotional understanding for listening to this then both would rebel

now if i become more concious or even get superpowers on 2012 then ull get a donation from me

RiverJordan responds:

Center of the galaxy, not center of the universe ;) And i PROMISE it's not just light up there. Throughout this series i will do my best to show you otherwise :D

And my paypal is jordanduchnycz@gmail.com, so you can just make that donation out that ;)

Haha, thanks for the review :D


I can (like 99.9%) honestly say I've never learned anything from Newgrounds till now. Yes, I love newgrounds, but it's entertainment XP Gawds, if classes all did this, imagine just how much more kids would pay attention D: (scary, I know) Though why did it eat up the last bit of the 'learning tiems' with the end credits and music!? I wanted to hear it T3T

RiverJordan responds:

Shit it's still doing that?! Eff, i thought i fixed it. I absolutely have no idea then...

To watch the end of it, go on Youtube (there's a link on the preloader) and watch the rest, im sorry about that.