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Reviews for "New Dawn"

The first thing I see is a great deal of inconsistency. You start off with this great mellow orchestral intro and promptly add fast and completely contrasting percussion (that high click thing... just no). Ambient and pop drums just don't mix dude. If you left out the drum kit and maybe had a little bit of orchestral percussion (gong/cymbals/timpani/orch chimes ESPECIALLY etc.) this would have been a great piece. Drums were definitely too hot anyway- they were cutting out the pads there was so much compression. IF you were to keep the drums, you'd have to transition them better too, they just kinda come in and out randomly. Fills in, fills out or whatnot.

Some nice low piano notes might also be nice.

I definitely do get a vibe of the city though from the dark stuff. Feels like something bad is gunna happen soon! Is Joker going to go rob a bank tonight? D:

A not bad piece, just you really shot yourself in the foot with the drums. It was this close to suspenseful, moody, dark, etc. Think about emotion this way: Long notes = suspenseful/gentle. Short notes = energetic/frantic. By combining the two, you nullified both emotions and created an emotional rift in which the listener really has no idea what to think about the piece. I am sitting here after the fourth listen still trying to figure out what I think about it and I still don't know. It just feels strange. Dunno man.

I too know you can do better. :/

Keep compos(ed/ing)!

My ratings:
Originality- 6/10
Relevance- 20/30
Composition- 14/25
Instrumentation- 7/15
Mastering- 5/10
Emotion/Interest- 2/10

Total: -54/100 (NG: 2.5 stars)

DESHIEL responds:

My only goal was to match the music to the art, to make it relevant. I didn't have any interest in making it an absolute earcandy business. It was just my take on the task that was was given to me.
Be it bad or not I didn't seek any victory with this entry, because I knew that I have two entries.

I wanted to work hard on my second entry tho, the AIM- CANCELED ENTRY that you can find here in my page. But I had so little time and too many other (not music related) duties to attend to that I simply abandoned it.

Sorry. Didn't really feel it.
Sounded very chaotic and random throughout. Just never understood what way you were going with the song and I didn't really listening to it.
The sounds used are pretty good though and it is really ambient which I like, but honestly I didn't really like this.

Have listened to alot of your other stuff and I know that you can do alot better :/.
2.5 stars.

DESHIEL responds:

Judging from your own work I absolutely understand why you didn't understand nor like what I did here.

It's alright, I can't satisfy everybody. ;)

I was quite thrilled of the dark vibes your intro had, and I must say that overall the atmosphere in this piece is pretty heavy. It's not as dissonant as to feel unpleasant, and it is enjoyable to a certain degree when it becomes a little too predictable.

I'm not a fan of the drums to be perfectly honest, which I wish they had more depth, and the mastering suffers from limiting abuse to the point it doesn't sound much interesting as it rather hinders the atmosphere's potential. Which is quite a shame because it sounds as if it's suffocating from a mix that doesn't allow those textures and synths to breathe a life of their own.


I think this was really awesome! Reminded me of DMC soundtracks! I really like the drum rolls. Sounds like a really sinister song for some sinister level you just can't find your way out of! I love the frustration portrayed in this song! Awesome work!

DESHIEL responds:

I'm glad that you like the "frustration" cuz happy songs are overrated. :)

Loved the beats Awesome

DESHIEL responds:

thanks :)