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Reviews for "Dimension Diver"

It's nice

I quite enjoy this game but there are some problems that need fixing. First of all, the controls are just a bit too clumsy for this type of game. It's too easy to accidentally dash to your death. To remedy this I think the dash would be better off as a single button while the arrows are left strictly for movement this would make it less tricky to attempt fine-tuning a landing because you won't accidentally dash when tapping the key once to adjust your position. This also makes it easier to avoid annoying deaths where you were about to dash but because it's a double tap, the monster right next to you ends up hitting you instead. Furthermore, this would open up the possibility of more dash control. For instance, holding forward while dashing could produce a long dash. I would have liked a long-dash would be great to ensure you hit the enemy istead of just taking damage. Another feature could be pressing up during a dash to stall which would make it easier to land on monsters or platforms. You could also enable pressing down mid-dash to drop straight down onto a monster or platform for an easier landing. Also, I noticed that no matter what, you always bounce the same height if you jump on a monster to kill it, it'd be cool if you could push jump at the right time to springboard off of them which would be useful for reaching platforms, flying enemies, and continuing combo chains since more air time gives more time to correct the landing. Adding these features may also enable you to make the game a bit more challenging. I breezed through normal and hard without much trouble, but extreme is the one I'm stuck on and that's only because of the single hitpoint. You could add some stronger platforming and maybe some simple puzzles. Also, a bit of backstory, at the end of the game it says "Congratulations, you saved the universe" or something to that effect but I have no idea exactly from what. Clearly the boss monster has something to do with it, but what was it going to do to the universe? Was it going to eat it? Is it trying to eat it because it's hungry or just for the lulz? Anyways, with this being your first sponsored game I do say you're off to a good start.

Quite colorful

I like this game. It's a bit hard to get the hang of, but once you do, it's not as difficult as one might think.

Quite Nice

As far as flash platformers go, this is one of the better ones I've played. There's a nice mechanic in the dash system and the game is just the right balance in difficulty on Normal (I'll explain why in a minute). The dash controls could use some fine-tuning in keeping mistaken dashes from happening more often, and it'd be nice if there were levels that weren't strictly left-right affairs and had unique objectives and goals set in them as well as offering the combo possibilities the game already has, but a sequel could address that ;).

It would also be nice if there were other hazards besides enemies, like flipping/disappearing platform, teleporters, and the such, just as long as the comboing aspect didn't get too diluted b/c it's very fun in this game.


For those saying the game is too hard on Normal: It's really not. There are two points in the game where u will start racking up way more lives than u ever need. One is in the first two stages, where it's easier to land combos. The other part is in stages 5 and 6, where there are so many enemies waiting to be chained that u can get many extra bonuses w/ no problem whatsoever, if u practiced the dashing mechanic earlier. I wouldn't say expect to beat the game on ur first attempt (it wasn't until my 3rd that I beat it, w/ 11 lives to spare and a full health gauge to boot), but that's a nice old-school charm to it. U learn through failure.

Also, DASH FOR UR LIFE! U can still correct ur landing trajectory after a dash, and u can do multiple dashes in the air of either direction, after about a second's delay. I might've stumbled on a trick where pressing jump as soon as u can technically air dash again will boost u up some to keep u in the air more and elevate u, tho I don't know if that's actually the case (did not need to use that for the l8r stages).

good but...

i found that the controls were too touchy and that the dashing into enemies didnt always work. good game otherwise

Great overall

However there was zero story and it was rather repetetive, A bit more variation in monsters and a bit of story would have made this much more interesting. Beside these cons though, this game is great! Absolutely magnificent graphics and, whereas the controls were sluggish, I felt it benefit the game. Also, the combo system is simple but brilliant. nuff said. Kudos on the difficulty too! Normal is just about hard enough, and hard is...well..Hard! Overall, keep up the good work, but try to make it a bit more story-based next time.