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Reviews for "Doodle God 2"

Not really different from the first

This game is the definition of a rehash. Fun, but nothing new has been brought to the table, except more nonsensical combinations; how does Void + Glass = Lightbulb, exactly?

I loved the first one.

I loved the first game. Simple, it was amusing and rewarding, and though eventually near the end it got a bit difficult, but that's what the hint system was for.

When I started playing this and realized I was able to start with all previous elements, I thought this game might be great. The quotes, the new combinations, and the same basic feel made it seem decent at first. However, then I found out that as I progressed, I got more episodes, and more elements.

This is where it started to drop. There were simply too many elements. Also, every new episode suddenly changed what everything could be combined with, which really threw me off, making it confusing because you were suddenly confronted with 150+ elements and no idea which ones were active and dull.

About the active and dull elements I just mentioned, a lot of the elements creatable seemed "dull", like from the previous game. Having no further use once you make them. This was a bit annoying, but ignorable. But suddenly with new episodes changing them around so previous combinations I had tried suddenly work really confused me. I suddenly had to re-try 150 elements and all thier combinations.

As you can imagine, I got less and less elements out of my own findings and more and more out of hints. This destroyed the rewarding feeling of discovering each element. As time wore on, I didn't even try, I just watched and played other things and came back every once in a while to press the hint system. Even using the hint system became dull and slow.

The quotes were always funny and always worth reading, but I can't help but feel I would have prefered to just have read the quotes and not have to play the game. It had dragged on and wasn't fun anymore. It's confusing, complicated, and testing each element was slow and felt more like a chore then a game.

I'll give you an 6, because of the awesome quotes, the pictures, the sometimes funny combinations. I won't give you anything higher because the game was honestly just that boring. Too many combinations and randomly switching it up so that you need to retry those combinations 3 times or whatever really dragged it down.

I think the game should of stayed to the original idea: Simple, fun, and amusing. This is big, complex, and confusing. I almost feel pressured to give it a higher score, but I just can't.

Now, I do have suggestions to improve the game.

1: Make it so that onces you've combined 2 elements, clicking on one of them causes all of the things they've already been combined with glow, and all the things you've tried combining them with but failed get a shadow around them. This way, players won't have to go in circles.

2: Either less "dull" elements, or a certain glow/shadow around them. That way, you don't need to waste time testing out vampires with every other element to find out it combines with nothing.

3: None of these "episodes". They simply make it so previous unworking combinations suddenly work for no reason, which is really annoying when you realize you have to try eggs with every other element AGAIN. If you just put all the elemental combinations at the start (and just gave void and commandments after a certain number of elements were found), and then use my first idea, you'd really cut down on how much this game drags on.

4: Better groups. Money is under chemistry-looking group? Sulfer would be a better place for it.

5: Allow me to see all the quotes under a specific combination, so that I don't need to redo that step 3 times to see all the funny quotes.

Those are just a few suggestions. I liked this game at first, but it's starting to drag on. I hope you can somehow fix it. 6/10 3/5.

The first part is better

Its good but there are to few combinations and most are senceless
and i don't like that you cant do the old combinations anymore
it would also be good if such combination things were part of a greater game where you could use the combined things for example to fight or...
else it is good


The music is relaxing, it looks nice and it's a clever, quirky idea, but oh my goodness isn't there something else I can be doing? I've been playing for hours and not near finished. I started using a walkthrough because the trial and error got too much and then realised a walkthrough defeated the entire object of the game. So I stopped.

It should be shorter, or there should be something else to it. As it is I've wasted a lot of my life clicking on things I hope will work (because a fair few combinations make no sense). However, I enjoyed it for a good while, and the feeling of satisfaction when you get a match is brill. And some of the amusing combinations made me happy (human + human, human + dinosaur etc).

It's not bad but...I'm not sure it's quite what you'd call a "game"!

corpse and fire let me guess ASH