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Reviews for "Yotam plays Portal 2"


3 days on that game? you suck, I finished it in a few hours...
Love your animations btw... ;)

Love it.

Man, Yotam, I can feel a bit of DV undertones with the "Jew train" comment. Magnificent work.


God dammit I got Gaming Ocd Virus from this flash video. WTF DID YOU DO TO THE FLASH, MUFFINS BE LAZEH? WTF DID U DOOOOOOO(good job young Chap :3)

Sandviches and Jarate on your desk?!

You sure you werent playing Team Fortress XD
great animation i lol'd. A lot XP

hmmm I had never thinking about making a swastika in tetris... hmmm... no thats not cool I'm a german and if I do so Hitler would apear in my dreams and I should give him his hat back so that he looks more like Charlie Chaplin and then... hmm I'm gonna play Portal now. Ok?