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Reviews for "TALIBAN"

So Short

I like this game but it was really short and maybe you could put some other trainings to be a terrorist so it'll be more fun and more exciting.

Nice game xD

I give you 7 for the game xD and let you know that your game made it to portugal, on a game website xD for the releasing after the death of bin laden xD
Man i only want to ask you something else....is the world really going to end in 2012?? you surely must know xD
btw, here's the link to the website....not quite sure if you can understand it, but yep i saw it here http://ez.mygames.pt/pc/noticia/bin-l aden-em-jogo-flash-14514/

GroggyLobster responds:


It's good, but...

While I feel some pride that Osama bin Laden is dead, I find it to be bitter sweet. These kinds of games scare me because of how easily it can be misinterpreted. "Congrats, you have a degree in suicide bombing" is a bit.....disturbing in my opinion. I know this was designed to be humorous, but I found it to be more disturbing then anythng else.

@Bosnian: Someone once told me a game can be a critisism. If you can't handle critisism then you shouldn't come to newgrounds. There is a diverse ammount of opinions that will be expressed in the world. Americans don't think we are the richest country in the world. I suggest you do your research becuase half of america is in poverty and or jobless. Sometimething I'm sure you're all too firmiliar with. People take religion far too seriously in my opinion. People take it to the point where they will silence other voices because they find it "Offensive to thier religion, morals, values, etc". If you cannot see other peoples opinions for what they are, then you yourself do not deserve a voice to say anything.


its a f'n game...people need ta stop bein so damn sensitive and treat it like it is...a game...nice try on the game, i laughed a bit :)


You just got denied by fate there.

Still, I wonder why I don't see a huge amount of wrong in this game, while I find most of the outright Osama hate videos somewhat uncalled for and in bad taste now that he's really dead... Hmmm. Makes you think.