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Reviews for "Canvas"


im so fucking confused

It needs a preloader

For me at least (because my internet is crap) it didn't load all the way so the animation stopped and the music just kept going. Other than that you did fantastic.

A beautiful little story

Wonderful animation and a beautiful take on a classic little love story, this definitely is a movie people should watch.

However that does not mean it is flawless.

From the technical flash side of things the only real issue that I could see was the issues with the start button. When posting something like this on Newgrounds, considering the quality of the animation, small things like a button should be fairly iron clad before posting or just use a pre-made start page template if its really an issue. Thankfully this is a minor thing that doesn't detract from the overall video itself and is just a minor annoyance.

Also there are aspects of the animation that provoke undertones that I do not believe are intentional, primarily the emphasis on the tip jar in the animation. This did (at least for me) detract from the overall story of her love bringing a new brightness and joy to her life. The guy seemed just a wee bit creepy at first (in a slightly funny way). But this behaviour for him made sense as he is doing his best to show his interest in someone at first by supporting her business and getting to know her rather than to "buy" her off. However the emphasis on the tip jar kind of went against this thought process, so its a fairly large issue when examining the plot and story of the movie.

I cannot see how anyone saw that the main character needed a man to make her better as a previous reviewer has noted. From what I gathered from the movie, her work was always beautiful but as the days went on it was the same old day in day out job and this caused a loss of passion in her life. When she encountered that spark of love, it brought a wonderful unfamiliar feeling that scared her off. And when they found each other in the end, the happiness allowed her work to have life again. Which shows as the work gained its colouring back. They weren't just interesting black and white pictures but passionate works of art.

Anyway, just my two cents... well looks more like a full loonie now but you get the point.

Good Work! I and the rest of Newgrounds looks forward to your future work.

some critical analysis,

So the male is trying to get the girl to fall in love with him by giving her money, essentially paying her.
She slowly falls for him because he is paying her.
Her paintings become good when she has a man in her life (call it love if you want), and now cannot paint what she wants to paint, because what she wants to paint isnt good enough. so she need the man to make her paintings good. Sorry but it seems like the 'true love' story kinda gets muddled in the undertones (i'm sure not intentional.)
You have some good animation and a well paced story, the music choices and editing wasnt so good, but over all it was a decent effort.
Final verdict: Above the norm.

EmptyBrooke responds:

Actually, it was entirely intentional. It's a play on the double standard in old-fashioned dating where the man essentially pays for everything. A couple scenes emphasizing their actual growing relationship had to be cut due to time constraints so it's actually even more obvious than I had originally intended. Many people so far have failed to notice that so cudos to you. And thank you for the critique. Always appreciated.

It was beautiful.

(Referring to the work, not the girl xD)
I really enjoyed it. It's true, without love, my art loses its meaning, I can't write, cant even think. It was beautiful, artistic, and well animated. You, Madam, have earned a ten. If only you could expand on the story, some voice acting, maybe?