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Reviews for "Super Morse Code RPG"


Very awesome :D

Grent responds:

Thanks, glad you liked it!

Really cool and entertaining!

Heh. In the final Hitler showdown i ended up with 1 HP, and I prayed that I had enough damage to kill the final guard. But of course, he kicked my butt.
I spendt over an hour at this seemingly short game, and came to the concusion that it was an hour well spendt. The graphics were smooth, the morse code weren't too hard, and it had a good storyline and animations. Good job, Sir!
I strongly recommend you to begin on Super Morse Code RPG 2.

Grent responds:

Yeah. "Final." Right. ;)


This is an incredible concept I could never have come up with! However, numbers in morse code are REALLY clunky, so having to grind 1 gets annoying fast. Still, a personal favorite.

Grent responds:

Yeah, someone else suggested using letters in SMCRPG2, and I liked that idea, so that'll help with the amount of time it takes to attack enemies.

It ok...

It's good only one thing though there's no checkpoints or save.
I hate starting all over again... it's like getting banned in an online rpg..
Please add checkpoints

Grent responds:

As I've mentioned before, adding checkpoints would be more work than I am willing to put into a project that is already released. That said, checkpoints will definitely feature in SMCRPG2.

Who would have thought it?

Seriously, what a clever and witty concept to have an RPG based entirely on Morse code let alone sort of teach us about it back the old days hahahahaha.

Though its a bit hard at first if you give it a shot it's a really fun game.

Good job guys!

Grent responds:

I was actually surprised at how well we DID balance the game in the three days we had to do so, but yeah, it was harder than intended. In the sequel, when we (hopefully) have more time to properly balance things, it won't be so punishing.