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Reviews for "The Black Book"

Magnificent as always!

I'm surprised that your stuff isn't rated higher, CG. Sure this may have been based off of Lovecraft, but considering that H. P. Lovecraft is an underused subject on here; I'm not going to whine. Instead, I'm going to explain to why I loved this...

In terms of art and animation: It may look similar to Em Kaah, David Firth, or Waldemar P. Schuur; but still has your distinct touch to it. The frame-by-frame was excellent and I loved the part that looked like an old vector game. Plus, your backgrounds are really spiffy.
In terms of sound: I appreciate the non-use of sound effects, and your music selection is top-notch. However, I would recommend that you check out the Audio Portal unless those songs were from there. And this is coming from somebody who doesn't have a problem with music used from one's CD/MP3 collection.
In terms of content: This was better than that other Black Book cartoon, and that was a rather bad comedy. The pacing was excellent, shots well selected, and the overall direction that is just praiseworthy. Of course, it may not be as elaborate as the original story, but it's just as effective.

What I like:
-Underused subject
-Excellent art and animation
-Great music selection
-Top notch direction

What I didn't like:
-Could have been a bit more atmospheric.

Overall: Here's a nine out of ten from me to you.

H. P. Lovecraft

from such a writer as the "Mad Arab" deserves a 10-10 just for being written, acknowledged and portrayed on animation, excellent

I liked it

I am a big fan of HP Lovecraft---his entire concept of the cthulu is fucking EPIC. I really liked your art style, and the choice of music. I wish this could have been made longer, but it was good nonetheless.


I really enjoyed your style, as well as the story. The art was really nice, and the whole piece set a very appropriate mood for the story. The music choices were very well done, though cutting between the music often seemed abrupt, and it was a bit crackly.

Glad to see this got front paged

When I noticed you didn't get in the daily top 5 I was worried this submission would fall into obscurity and not get the praise it deserves. All of the art, animation, and sound were great, and the atmosphere was perfect. The beautiful background art really helped contribute to the overall grim and mysterious feel of the movie. The story was a little puzzling at first but after a second watch I got it.

He's warned not to take the book but does it anyways.
Get's lost in one of it's spells but continues going deeper.
Meets a monster guard/prisoner, who gives him a key to access something more.
His curiosity continues to get the best of him, and he goes to use the key to access a locked room.
Discovers a mysterious book in the room, opens it, and a bad spell is casted on him.
He's now doomed to being the new prisoner of the cave, and now we know the old 'monster' was really someone other person who, just like him, didn't heed the warnings the book.

I think that's right.