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Reviews for "Hunters - Stage 3"

Okay, here goes...

The game is a great concept, really, but there are a few problems I'd like to address. The game is great. It took time to get used to the controls, but not too bad. The main problem the fact that enemies can kamikazi you to death, health from baddies ends are too high when you kill them from the roof and those that do fly, and the fact that, well, the boss fights are not that much challenging. After the first game, all the bosses are all too predictable, and once you fight one, your like "Gee, I wonder how he will move this time..."

The graphics, on the other hand, are not bad. Brings in the whole "retro" thing, and is quite enjoyable. The flames in the building, however, were just too silly.

Looking forward to the next game.

Again you have failed

To read what I am fully thinking please look at the review of stage two. But nonetheless I digress. This game was easier I will give you that and only that. But this game still lacks functionality, textures, quality sounds and voice acting, originality and most importantly ART. I advise you to stop with this series before you earn yourself derogatory medals such as turd of the week. How this series got to the front page I do not know, perhaps other daily submissions have somehow been worse. But upon playing this my face just became this %u0CA0_%u0CA0. Please don't waste any more time on this, it's not going to get anywhere.


I thought the dragon looked familiar, now I know from where.
Seriously, man? Your art style has not changed AT ALL in 6 years...?
The character art, vehicle art... everything is just copy-pasted from your old 2005 submission.
Now I'm even further disappointed at how rushed this whole "game" series is, graphically speaking. You're basically recycling sub-par sprites that were made 6 years ago with absolutely zero modifications or updates.
As has been mentionned previously, the story is incredibly cliché to the point where it almost makes me cringe.
The voice actors are trying way too hard to get into character, they end up sounding like amateurs and the script they're forced to read, filled with every overused line pulled from every animé ever made, further contributes to the impression that they're dubbing for a sub-par studio on minimum wage salaries.
I mean come on.
This might've passed off as "good" in 2005, but considering how much flash has evolved and the amount of tools now at your disposal, you could have done much, much better than this.
Another reviewer mentionned you should stop this project as he believes it's going nowhere. I won't go so far as to tell you to stop the project, but its graphics and story definitely need an overhaul. Like, Badly.
With all the cartoons and animé and games that have come out since 2005, boasting increasingly complex and riveting plots complete with gorgeous graphics, this series just doesn't cut it.
There are a lot of reviews here that give negative, but constructive, reviews.
They're not trolls, they're just honest.
I'll give you four stars for effort, but you need to stop ignoring said reviews and reconsider your strategy.


The graphics are a little under today's standards, but I can't knock you for that. It's a little nostalgic, in that sense, back when we all had 56k and waited forever to load a 1mb game. So I'm neutral in those regards.

The music is a little unfitting at times, but it isn't too bad. Sound effects are basic, could have more variety in those regards. Now the voice acting is a hit and a miss, the main character just sounds childish and annoying. Other voices seem well done, more experienced than the main character at least. So sound isn't great, overall, but passable (a better female voice actress would do wonders, whoever did that voice is just god awful I'm sorry).

Gameplay wise....well it's just not much to say. It's extremely basic, pretty below average compared to other games today. Waves of enemies come towards you, you shoot them. The side scrolling part could be done better, maybe shoot backwards and use the mouse to aim.

Overall, it looks like you put effort into this project and you get props for that. The graphics can really stay and still make this a great game (4+) if the gameplay undergoes a massive revamp and more effort was put into sound.

4/10 2/5

So far, it's the series isn't very good.

Normally, I'm not one to care about graphics, but after reading Kumankun4's review about you copying and pasting the graphics from your 2005 submission onto this game, I feel that a person can describe the artwork as lazy and they would be right. So enough on that.

As for everything else, it definitely is NOTHING I haven't seen. You get a fast but weak machine gun, a strong but slow rocket launcher, and a mediocre pistol. Oh, and fighting a talking dragon is kinda dated and makes no sense. I liked the flying-shooting part though.

The storyline, so far can be summed up like this: Girl meets boy, girl loses boy, girl finds another girl who wants the boy, girl fights girl, girl rescues boy and teams up with him to find the Triforce pieces, er, I mean the 3 orbs. That said I BOLDLY predict that there will be a romantic relationship between the girl and boy. I even predict a kissing scene and possible elopement, after the girl fights the other girl for her prize. Assuming he doesn't get killed first.

Nevertheless, I will play this series to the end, if only because I am curious about how it will end (yes, curiosity claimed another cat, meow).

Rhete responds:

About the art, that guy picked out a handful of art resources (Carina, Avior, Draco, and the two ships) that were reused for series consistency and conveniently ignored the several thousand new ones.