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Reviews for "Hunters - Relic of Stars"


If I'm not correct, you're the guy who ripped on Moovlin PC... and you've ripped on issues which ironically you don't see a problem with in your own game.

Now, I know this is already getting fairly poor feedback but bare with me, this game isn't in any means bad, it's just the height of mediocrity.

Artwork is pretty simplistic and mostly static, there is not much to see here, locales don't change often, and everything is clearly made with the line tool. Artwork in my opinion usually doesn't matter as long as the game is functional and fun, proven time and time again by games like Minecraft, Fancy Pants, etc.

But even if this game did have nice art, I would probably only give it a 5.

The gameplay is extremely stale and counter intuitive. The jumping button is mapped to X which is really annoying since the intuitive option would be Up, but since that's aiming, the second option would be spacebar, and that's used to pause. So many time I would pause the game instead of jumping. The intuitive option for pausing would be mapping to P, as that is most commonly used.

Second, when you pause, the animations for your character still operate, which just looks sloppy. The game also feels like a clone copy of this other, even shittier game called Prometheus... it feels like a carbon clone with a female protagonist. The controls work smoothly but the enemy designs are few and far between, and I often found myself stuck in corners having to sacrifice health just to escape from a monster.

Despite all that, there is only one other thing that bugged me, you decided to have voices on top of music, which made it really hard to hear.

Anyways, nice effort, there are a ton of great constructive reviews on this already and if you fix a few of the flaws I mentioned on top of others mentioned, this could be really good. Don't listen to dickless shits who just blam it for the sake of blamming without offering any criticism, first hand experience here, it can be really annoying. With the right amount of effort and dedication put into this, this could be a top tier game

Epic Game Series begins...WTF?

This is not an epic game if you look at the graphics (DUH.), but it's still not epic when I play it. It gets repetitive very fast (Maybe the music involves this too) and the controls are kinda weak. But seriously, An EPIC game series with this quality of graphics and animation? CUMMON! You gotta be kiddin me.
Oh, and the intro...The voice doesn't capture with the characters' mouth movement. That's even more lame than retarded animation for kids in my country.
Sorry, bro.


I've played games like this and loved them. But with this there were too many things that were wrong. For the life of me I couldnt get used to using x to jump instead of the up arrow, also when you clear a room it should stay clear. More enemies shouldnt be there when you go back. Also, even on the easy setting i found myself dying alot.

Incredibly overrated

This seems to me to be aiming vastly beyond its reach, implying an epic plotline and really failing to produce anything engaging. The painfully dull introduction accompanied (as is the rest of the game) by the roundly terrible voice acting, it astounds me that i am reading review after review lauding the voice acting, it sounds like the worst bad anime dub in the world. Speaking of bad anime brings me to the art style, i mean dear lord, we had better art over a decade ago, go and play pico school again sometime, it plays better and looks better than this, even the voice acting is better thanks to it's absence. In 2011 i should not be seeing this on the front page of newgrounds. It's not even that it is a particularly bad game, it's only really a bit below average, nothing interesting gameplay wise and a bit ugly but the fact that it is front page and featured. Imagine that someone is a first timer to newgrounds and they see this featured, the idea that this is the best thing that the community is producing is an insult to the hard working flash artists of newgrounds.


i like the concept of a metroid type game, but the overall gameplay was kinda bland.

and the cheap enemy placement was a problem also. i think if some medals were added i would of given this game a higher star rating.