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Reviews for "infect. evolve. repeat. 2"

not fun

this game was not funny at all. only stressing to keep the viruses away from the white guys. i wish i could say other but im telling the truth. but all people is different and i understand if you like this.


It's all fine and dandy I suppose.
But these "Spawn X amount of germs" levels are stupid.
I can rack up as many germs as I can, but then they float off the edge, or a genocidal group of white blood cells of antibiotics comes through and wipes everything out.
On top of that, I really have nothing to show for it once I do complete the level.
Rather frustrating and just not worth the time.

Gawd, there is white cells everywhere

Well, the game need the white cells and the antibiotic clouds, or it would be too easy, right.

But here, right after the campaign (not very difficult, but hey, it's a tutorial, no ?), with the endless mode, you just have tons and tons of those white and blue clouds at the very beginning of the level, and if you're not lucky enough to have your first germ immunised, it's already dead before you can even see a red cell. And at this point of the game, you don't have enough points to be specialized in immunity, or reproduction, or anything; you just don't have the weapons to face THIS HUGE ASSAULT of clouds covering the whole screen and occulting the few red cells. So you try to survive, with one single germ slaloming between white cells, stalling, and not earning points (points needed to evolve). Then, impossible to progress.

This kind of level would be great later. The main problem of the game is not that it is hard, but that it is really hard way too early.

That, plus some lag, and a tiny screen.

I would add something I find confusing: why are the germs even leaving the screen? I mean, we are in a blood vessel, right? So the germs should be hitting the vessel's walls at least on the sides of the screen, instead of disapearing in the infinite void of... of what? Muscles? It just doesn't make sense.

In the end, not a bad idea, not even a bad game, but the points above... So 5, because it's not that bad, but only 5, because it could be really better.

Love the idea

Seems awesome... I enjoy evolution games... Great premise... only issue would be that there isn't enough to do...

Very good start...

Excellent idea, soso execution

The idea is great, and despite the game being almost unplayable at times, I kept going because the idea was so good. If you could perfect this, it would be an excellent game. However, there are countless problems with it at this point, such that I feel 5 stars is generous. The whole "if it goes off the screen, it's dead" thing is ridiculous. You can only grab one germ at a time, so how is it fair that if 15 are headed off the screen at once, you can only save one? Seriously, this happens constantly, and auto-infect isn't enough to save them, especially since it's one of the least important upgrades. The most important ones were reproduction rate, immunity, and damage. I think I'd have to say that early on, at least until you get the reproduction rate to level 3, reproduction rate is important, but after that, it's a waste of EP to upgrade it. The most important is immunity, because the damn antibiotics come in levels that should be lethal to the human being, much less the germ. Seriously, as time goes on, the antibiotics start to completely cover the screen, and by the time you finish campaign mode, there's more area covered by antibiotics than not. That's absurd. If a person's blood were that thick with antibiotics, they would die. I mean come on, I couldn't even see the red blood cells behind the clouds, because they started to get so thick and numerous that they were completely opaque. Thank God the viruses don't get obscured by the clouds, or I'd only know where the one I'm holding is, and only by where the pointer is. Then there's the damn white blood cells. As an infection progresses, WBC count should decrease, not increase to the point that there's more WBCs than RBCs! Seriously, by the end of campaign mode, WBCs spawned about twice as often as RBCs. A person would die if they had that few RBCs to transport oxygen. There needs to be a cap on the spawn rate of WBCs so that once you reach a certain level, they don't spawn any faster than the levels before. Same for the antibiotics, so you don't have opaque clouds that you can't see the WBCs and RBCs behind them. And if I'm holding onto a germ, it shouldn't be able to auto-infect. It got to be that the anti-biotic clouds were so thick, that I couldn't see the RBCs and WBCs behind them, and while dragging the last immune germ through a cloud to a small safe area on the other side, either an invisible WBC would eat it, or an invisible RBC would grab it out of my hand as it auto-infected, then once it reproduced, either the new germs would not be immune and die instantly in the cloud, or an invisible WBC would eat the immune ones. RBCs became just as dangerous as WBCs. Speaking of which, did WBCs have to have so much health? Some would die with one or two hits, but those were rare, and the more common ones were the ones that would take out about 6 or 7 viruses, even with my damage level at 7. With about 15-20 WBCs on screen at a time in endless mode, this is a problem. Essentially, endless mode is just a bullet hell game where you avoid everything on screen. The Can't Touch This medal was the easiest endless mode medal to get, because the only way to survive a stage was to spend most if not all your time avoiding everything, even RBCs. Latency upgrades are actually a bad thing, since being able to hide longer in a RBC is a good thing. Ugh, so many problems. Again, I'm only giving 5 stars because it was such a good idea.

In summary:
Cap the spawn rates for WBCs and antibody clouds at a REASONABLE level
Cap the HP of WBCs at a REASONABLE level
Put walls on screen edges that germs will bounce off of so they don't die
Make it so the germ you're holding doesn't auto-infect
Make immunity upgrades better so that the immune germ spawn rate is higher, so that it's more likely that at least one immune germ will spawn that isn't instantly eaten by a WBC.

That's pretty much it, I think. Do all that and it'll be an awesome game. Graphics and music are awesome, though the high number of cells on screen often created lag. Again, it's a great idea, it just needs a little fine-tuning.

HeRetiK responds:

The germs you are holding don't auto-infect, unless you let them go. If you are able to reproduce this on a regular basis let me know and I'll look into it. The screen edge issue will be addressed in the upcoming update. Other than that, endless mode is supposed to kick your infectious little ass after a while. As in SERIOUSLY kicking your ass. As in you either give up, put your virus into the hall of fame and start anew OR keep trying and trying.