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Reviews for "Heavy Terror Machine"


I'm not gonna kiss up to you like some of these other guys, but your game seriously has some problems.
1) Copy/paste enemies moving in one direction until they inevitably passed by or stomped upon was monotonous and quickly boring.
2) Only one building at a time every few minutes? Are you kidding me?
3) The strategy in this was attack and guard until you charged up your special, and then kept on walking. I've heard that simplicity is good in a game in some situations but this is not one of them.

I was mildly surprised that the actual MindChamber came up with such a dull product, the only thing that I truly liked about it was the art used which I give the 4 points to (not to shit ALL over your flash in this review). I can't help but wonder, were you actually trying?

(And on a side note, aritoz97, you write "not bad" as a summary and then back it up with "i got bored very quickly"? Writing that doesn't necessarily tell him anything, nor help him for that matter, at least provide him with reasons as to WHY it made you bored.)

MindChamber responds:

Sorry about the dull product, I guess not everything one makes can be winners 100% of the time.

also I really dont think people that like it are kissing up. Some people can look past a games flaws to find enjoyment, while others can't. Either way it isnt a bad thing to like, or hate the game ...

That said we do have alot of ideas to make this game more fun and interesting while at the same time keeping the gameplay simple. it just depends when frosted has time to implement those improvements.

thanks for the review.

Looks nice. Sounds nice. But plays? Not so nice.

I sorta get what you were going for but um.. It was lacking on almost every part gameplay wise.

As the previous guy said, no penalty to holding down the button meant that.. Theres no reason not to hold it down. Which then turns to.. Why is it even a button anyways? If you're going to have constant fire.. It should just be.. well.. Constant.

The blocking was.. Sort of nice but.. Really useless for most of the game. Early on, very very very few enemies even have missles. And later on, there are sections where you have five or six missles coming at you in rapid order. Making it so you can't counter attack at all.

The whole concept of blocking should be to negate damage, not cause you to take damage if you do anyways.

The whole thing felt.. well.. Bland. Not much you could really do but hold down one button and aim. If you blocked, you'd take damage anyways. If you didn't block, you'd STILL take damage.

I'd suggest at least letting you shoot down missles or blocking negates all damage. Or perhaps let you block gun fire, but need to shoot down the missles?

Beyond that, it looked nice, and sounded nice.. But as a game, it fails pretty badly.

MindChamber responds:

I agree, we might update this later.

thanks for the review.

Has potential... kinda

Interesting concept, fun for minute or two then immensely boring. Too linear, simple and just... meh.

Best thing I can recommend is to scrap it and start all over, spend much more time time working on a new one and create a more solid product.

MindChamber responds:

we'll probably build from it, than scap it, but thanks for the suggestion

good idea, but it needs work

The overall idea is great, but the limited offensive capability of the robot versus the overwhelming number/power of enemies is a real problem.


You responded to a comment saying "theres solid gameplay underlining this, it just needs to be built upon".

You've obviously devoted a sum of time to this project, but it is really poor idea. Obviously, you seem to be quite proud of it, but its a real poor game with every respect the definition of a game. Limited, repetetive, tedious. Basically a chore to 'play'. Swallow your pride, don't add to this weak game concept and start anew.

MindChamber responds:

This isnt a situation of pride,the concept of a static based turret shooter is nothing new, the concept has been done before, and I agree done much better. I am simply saying we have ideas to improve on that concept. I dont have to swallow anything. The concept is solid, the execution wasn't.