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Reviews for "Heavy Terror Machine"

207,059 score. But now to business.

I love the initial play screen, its very 1950's sci-fi horror movie film poster.

The song throughout the game fits it very well, though not so much for staring at the play screen.
Although, I think it would be cool if you got to hear the little soldiers, tanks, and aircraft communicating their attack runs and screaming when they die.. In my opinion.

The art style is good, not perfect, not ultra detailed, which I would prefer it to be..
but regardless of my opinion, the art style suits a game like this well, even though highly detailed and realistic would look awesome in my opinion..
Nice work on the clouds, clouds like that would give an awesome formidable backdrop if it were a movie.

Now though...
The game did become repetitive quickly, which is normal for games like these, but regardless of what kind of game it is, it should never be allowed to become 'boring repetitiveness'.

If the robot acquired slow dual machine guns early on and the rate-of-fire upgrade significantly increased firing speed, it would provide a "Mad Minute" kinda entertainment.
Of course though, this means the game would require lots more units to be thrown at the robot to increase difficulty.

I found the game to become quite easy for a good long time after I had all the weapons.
The upgrades do their job as suppose to, its definitely evident that rate-of-fire and damage did increase between the beginning of the game and later on.

I do think though that the super weapon needs more power, its just not enough JUICE!
I was taking about 3 to 4 seconds of super weapon blasting onto a Jeep just to kill it.
It maybe should cause continuous small explosions upon impact.
And I wonder what the super weapon looks like.. hmm.. but the red effect is fine.

While Im talking about killing things.
I found the Jeep to be overly difficult to kill.
Having to track and fire upon it 2 to 3 times or blast it with the super weapon for 3 or 4 seconds.
Not only are they hard to kill, but its annoying that also fast and explode underneath the robot, I can do with fast and exploding, but hard to kill...geez.

I think it would look awesome if their was lots of tracer bullets being seen.
Tracer rounds being fired by the grunts, the helicopters, and maybe another new unit.
Maybe an Infantry Fighting Vehicle with dual machine guns firing dozens of tracer rounds at a time.

Well anyways, what I was trying to do was become invincible.
It might be possible if you can survive long enough.
As far as I got, I was taking down planes in one S-tap. 1 click, 1 shot.
With enough damage and rate-of-fire, and of course some good health, its very well possible to destroy everything before it even gets to you.
I was even destroying the super-helicopters in like 4 to 5 seconds flat with the super weapon; which kinda says something about those Jeeps...ya know..

Oh well, finally got taken down at 207,059 by 2 super-helicopters, a jeep, 2 tanks, and a plane while at about 10% health.
Which reminds me! You REALLY could use some death animation.
And what better death for a 'Heavy Terror Machine' than a self destruct nuke!
Oh yeah! **Put anti-gamma ray sunglasses on** Nuke!

Well, thats my thinking, my likes and dislikes.
-1 for lack of firepower imagery.
-1 for lack of over-powered Jeeps.
-1 for lack of Death scene.
7/10 total. 3/5.

MindChamber responds:

thanks for the thorough and well thought out review, this is really insightful, and helps us out alot.


Because of the lack of story and the simplicity it got very boring and I had to stop playing, as well as there not being a option to turn music off at the menu...

MindChamber responds:

if we ever expand out this, there will definitely be intros,outtros, death scenes etc.



At first the game is kinda boring, so my suggestion is to make the beginning more interesting

Pritty good

Its just that the game play got boring after a while and I didn't finish. I liked the music, but the track was a little short and it was somewhat noticeable that it was on a loop. Other than that I enjoyed this.

Who doesn't love robots?

It kept me entertained for the bulk of the game. I was a tad disappointment at the lack of bosses - I'm sure others has stated likewise. Also, the amount of foes as you progress was a little overwhelming; I began having a hard time spotting missiles through the carnage and explosions. Maybe you could just tweak the health and strength of the bad-guys instead of sending extreme waves at the player?

With all that said, it was a pretty simple game with a fairly short play time, but that can't remove the fact that it entertained me for a good 15-20 minutes.