This was all entertaining, except I felt a little bored whenever there was a part with the mother
This was all entertaining, except I felt a little bored whenever there was a part with the mother
A lot of people really didn't care for her. I thought she was interesting, though- she's nothing like my real mother, though.
That was epic, Oz...
That was a great story, something rarely found on newgrounds... Also, a great use of flash, very subtle, very handy to use, and quite stylie. Keep up the good work, unless this is auto-biographical, then seek help. Right now.
Woah, deep man, deep.
That was crazy, I don't know how you did it. Skrew this, I don't know how anyone can draw so much. Fu*kit, I'm giving this a 10, cuz not only are your drawings great, the story went awsome too; in a freak sort of way that is. Wow, I just don't know what to say, this is completely original from what I've ever seen. Excellent job.
Nothing more to say... Just "Great."
great work
Those are some really nice drawings, but the story creeps me out, very akward.