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Reviews for "Demon Runner"

Awesome art!

It's a pretty fun game, just has a few flaws.

It took me a while to realize that I need to press the buttons depending on the arrow formations. I just thought those were stuff I had to jump over. Should have probably included a quick instructions screen.

Gameplay got old rather quick. There was nothing to keep me interested for a long time. I almost quit in the first level because I thought it was never ending. Adding some things to entice the players interest will surely bring the game's fun factor a lot higher!

meh :/

no offense, cause this idea is pretty good, but the gameplay isnt that good.

Fun game, but could be improved

The game is fun, I loved the songs and the art is great.
It has some big flaws, though. One would expect that each button would result in a different action, but they all JUMP. That's terribly confusing. And speaking of confusion, the left and right platforms are waaay too similar. And the platforms are the same color as the background!! What the heck!
To be honest, I'd rather play DDR than this. It's pretty much the same premise, but at least I can identify which button I must press in a glance...

Color contrast needed to stand out better.

I didn't have the same problems about figuring out what to do as some others, as I read the comments and the How To Play before jumping into it. My issue is that the obstacles were often colored so similar to the background that I had much difficulty making out what I was actually supposed to do until it was too late. The Thus the gameplay, for me, was about squinting my eyes at the screen and playing around with all of the brightness and contrast settings just to make the game more playable. If not for that, I had no problems with the game. Simple, charming, just the right speed, and the art and music were both fitting for the theme.

Good but

Your game have good music, good graphic, good idea for gameplay but the screen is too close. But the real default. Give "Transparent Tower" to your character's band's name take out a difficult of NG Jam.