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Reviews for "the envy of the universe"

Not Bad, But Not Good.

I really do want to give this a higher score, but I can't.

The art work was pretty good. The background was actually really nice, but there was only one throughout the entire several minutes of dialogue.

The animation in this was also quite nice, very smooth lines, as I'm sure you used the pencil tool. The lip synch was also very nice but could have used more transitional mouths, perhaps slightly more accurate too. I suggest staying away from tweening so much and try some frame by frame, tweening looks good mixed in, but gets really repetitive when that's ALL there is to it.

Voice acting wise, not bad. The microphone was pretty top notch, and emotion was pretty clear throughout the character interaction.

The only real issue I had was the biggest one. That's the writing. Maybe I don't have your sense of humor, but I didn't detect any comedy here at all. Temperpedic? A sandwich? It all seemed super unnecessary. I mean, especially with the subject of an alien visiting earth. You could have played off of real differences between the two instead of bringing up random things.

It also bothered me that the entire thing was just one big advertisement. I wouldn't mind as much if all of your stuff wasn't advertisements. I went back and looked at your previous stuff, and it's all a plug for some product or company.

It's good to know that you're getting paid for this, but I don't know if Newgrounds is the right place for advertisements. It just feels off to me.

You definitely have the skills to make something worth while, try writing your own stuff that isn't an advertisement, could be interesting.

Good luck man, just work on that stuff.

Product Placement....?

Okay that's... that is... some fine product placement. I don't get the humor I was waiting for it, and then the animation ended probably just when it started to get good. Not that it was all that great humor wise. So I was disappointed. Voice work and animation are good, but this still feels out of place on newgrounds.