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Reviews for "'Quaraquol'"


This is probaly one of the most unique animations I've seen on any website since I discovered the internet 5 years ago. Stop motion has been my favorite type of animation since I was a kid and to see it here is amazing. The story was entertaining for the style and it had that classic feel with the music and the lava hitting the second planet after he feels safe.


Good fun!


that was pretty good. smooth, excelent humor points. nice work

Butzbo responds:

Hehee thanks!


I fell in love with just the first seconds of the movie ...the animation is cool and smooth, the music fits perfectly...BUT..I think the background needs some work...Anyway, I hope you got a good grade in your exam with this!!! Keep up the good work!!!

Butzbo responds:

Right, you can even see pieces of masking tape on the cardboard background at some moments. When i realized that, it was too late to record the whole scene again, HEHheh.
I got a 6.3 (the max is 7 here in Chile), ssooo yes, it was pretty good, actually the equivalent of a 9!


Amazing man, very good stopmotion, very creative! Gratz

Butzbo responds:

Thanks' Baphiroth'