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Reviews for "Repercussions of Evil"

cool stuff :D

I like the narration and the awesome mix of music and animation the story is a funny remix of the real story I assume wich is very cool (I never played the doom series but I'm guessing the story must go like that more or less lolz) It is well done fine sir 10/10 and 5/5 I demand more flash :3 lolz

Galneda responds:

And more flash you shall receive!!! lulz :D

Thank you! More to come early 2011.


This was a wonderful telling of an old "creepypasta." The quality of the animation was a hilarious contrast to the juvenile narrative, and created a massive sense of cognitive dissonance, "Am I watching crap, or is this completely epic?" Just goes to show how big budget special effects can make even the most infantile of stories seem badass and get the blood pumping.

Great job!

Galneda responds:

For example: Transformers, Revenge of the Fallen. Deep down, people know the story is shit, but they're all "ooh" and "ahhh! It's so pretty and hardcore and epic that it MUST be great!"

But if I'm able to pull off that illusion WITH A PETER CHIMAERA STORY, I feel like this thing was a mission accomplished. A successful experiment and a done well jobbed. :D

I'm emphatically appreciative of the review. Thank you for the compliment! :)

it does had its moments.

given that your animation is up against other variations done before like G mod which tend to have even funnier situations presented compared to your flash version. But I think you executed yours pretty well in the end. I was half expecting some actual serious attempt/take on that story but you did show most of the funny scenes with serious executions in terms of the art style.

Galneda responds:

Ehh it's all a matter of opinion if the Gmod one's had funnier situations or not. I am one of those that saw those Gmod interpretations and thought "this could be done better."

I tried to balance out the overdrama with comedy so it's not constantly in your face, ANNOYINGLY joke after joke after gag after joke, y'know? Plus, I'm under the theory that there can be comedy in the content when its trying to take itself seriously in between absurd acts. I've also used this flash as a platform to practice many different things I've never done before.

I'm glad you liked this hideous little experiment, and I thank you for the review. :)


...Why would you spend such an absurd amount of time animating a story of such crappy quality? It's clear you spent a lot of time on this, but was there any point that you were considering doing this kind of thing professionally?

Then what? You'd link to "Phobotech" and then they'd see an obscure video game parody, a parody on a movie that won't make sense unless they've seen Watchmen, and even then, it's vaguely but uncomfortably gay. Dick Neck which features a guy getting sucked off. Threepio which was uncomfortable and gay. The one time you didn't do anything gay, the story is a piece of shit.

I mean, what the hell man!? I don't mean to be rude, but I signed up specifically to tell you: You've got talent. Get your head out of your ass and do something worth while!

...Or are you just going to waste your time making another parody? Like Newgrounds could really use that right now...

Props on using the Audio Portal to your full advantage, I'm sure those guys appreciate the extra exposure. Congrats on your first weekly award. Chill out on recommending this thing to the Doom collection, I'm sure it'll find it's way there eventually. The voice-overs were pretty well done. Music was imbalanced near the end...hell, it's pretty clear all around you rushed through this thing at a couple of points. I'd be interested in seeing the original storyboard to see how it compares, lol :P

But dude, try to do some original work in the future...ye ass. Good art, good voices, good musical selection, work on balancing the volume, quite rushing things, quit making parodies, quit giving untalented trash distinction. Voted 3.


Dude this kid is a freaking genius! Im serious though haha not just anyone could come up with something that ridiculously funny. "Dad said. "No! You will be killed by demons!!!!" "No john.. you are the demons" Nah but when you really think about what this kid was trying to get across its kinda really creative i guess. If this kid is any younger than 10 then im perfectly fine with it.

Galneda responds:

He's probably "oldered" than all of us lol. Still, it's definitely one of his more creative fan-fictions. I think after the popularity of "Doom:RoE" exploded, he started trying a little too hard...which may indicate he's probably not 10. Maybe a teen.