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Reviews for "The Guardian Chapter 2"

fun game! :)

it's very clear you borrowd ideas from zelda, but that is not a bad thing
only 2 things anoyed me,
1) the rain en lighting - after a wile it really irritated me :)
2) at a certain point, i quit and saved, and then i lost my keys :p

overall, i had a great time playing this game :) thanx for sharing :)


I like the game, but over time it gets slower, and it lacks originality. Sprites are very cool and 10+ for the graphics.

And where do i fnd better sword? I found armor and shields and helmets, but can't find the sword. And how can I get to island just before monstros island (middle of the map)? Where is the map for that one?

Great Game, needs fixing

Ok i have an awesome computer and the game runs great. Then right around the 1st castle i pickup this green potion and fight this werewolf and its starts to lagg bad. I try to play through it and some rooms run super fast some rooms run medium and som e rooms run super slow. I could handle it so i quit right before the 2nd castle. I tryied lower the graphic, but this didnt do anything, so its somthing maybe with flash. I have the newest version. Please let me know when this is fixed becuase i like the game.

You did improve greatly over your last game

I gave you a 5/10 in your first game and told ways to improve you did listen to me and did improve the game.

The game is great but you seriously need better game testers they did a mediocre job.........
It is a shame really this game is really great but the lag kills it and loading each time I get lag is annoying.

You did a half ass job in the script of the game:
When I saved the people in the pub they all said the same exact thing when I was going to save them and after I save them

Also npc felt like they were not aware of what was happening in the story?
Example I saved the parents and the kids said the exact same thing and they didn't notice their parents waked up.

Npc should change what they say when I progress in the story not say the exact same thing

You really need to work on the story or get help from a writer.
You know like in the library I could go and read books about the story of the game,the guardian legend, types of monster descriptions etc
that way the game can grab people deeper into the game.

I wanted a skill like in zelda when you hold the attack key you do a special attack that would be nice.

I loved that you made the npc scared inside nightmares they breath heavily and they eyes tremble in fear

Stuff that were missing in the game that you promised:
There were only 12 islands not 13
The last boss only had 3 forms not 4
The last boss was disappointing I only fought the 3 bosses again no new special boss.

I got all equipments they were very nice but I wish I had some of them earlier not after I had the 3 lantern pieces.
Like I could get the goblin sword before getting the lantern.
Also I can get all equipment after the other after getting the lantern.
It would be best If I could only get them only after I progressed into the story not all after I only had the lantern.

Next game add more different backgrounds like
Volcano area
snow area
desert area
jungle area

Add different races (zelda had fish people -zora, desert people-gerodo,town people,elf,goron, minish, bird people)
different areas with different cultures
like asian culture with asian type palace,egypt culture, a tribe in the forest, european castle etc

Just work on making that game world comes Alive! with details I think that what truly makes an epic games not the graphics.
Those games trap you inside the game and you feel part of it, feels like you living an adventure.

I know I said a lot but I wrote you a guide to make a perfect game beyond zelda =P
I got a black egg in the inventory what is it for?
I am missing something extra in the game?

UknownXL responds:

I loved your review and I will take it to heart. If you want to pm me and talk more I would definitely be willing to listen. These are all things I wanted to accomplish but as a fulltime game developer things have to be taken out and before you know it things are not what you meant for them to be. I like all the ideas you stated also.

Well, I liked the design. Though it's a Zelda rip-off, I enjoyed playing it. But there were two big drawbacks to me. The first one was the lag and every 10 minutes, I had to reload the game to make it disappear.
The second drawback was that I got stuck in a room and couldn't leave it. It's when there is a prisoner in a cage in the air. I put it on the floor with the boomerang but seems that I didn't have the key to open it. I left the room and the two other doors were locked. Went back to the room with the cage and there was a cage on the floor and another one in the air. And I had to abandon the game at this point because even after reloading the game, I couldn't manage to leave this rooms :-( Too bad after a whole afternoon playing it...