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Reviews for "Wizard's Run"

help i need some one to heeeeelp

ok...on the z button....on the level up part, it sais i could hurl holy light at ppl...how do i do that....i dont get it....when i push z all it does is heal me...no lighning, not light spheres....wtf

someone help me plz plz plz plz plz...

other then that good game


VERY well-made arcade style shooter. The gameplay reminds me of Gauntlet, and the Skill Trees remind me of World of Warcraft.
Excellent execution with the difficulty, as it isn't so easy that you could walk through it with only three functioning brain cells, and not insane enough that it would take a Hardcore to even have a chance at beating. You've struck the balance exceptionally well.

There is some repetitive aspects, such as the same sound when the enemies die, but I can't bring myself to opposed that. (Simplicity is awesome too. =D)

What got me was the ending. Yes, it was gratifying to kill the overlord that wouldn't quit with the commentary, but it was kinda easy. ...And it just ended. There wasn't any real closure, and it left me wanting to know a bit more. (Such as: Was that the end, or was that critter servant to something even more powerful?)

Overall, excellent. This is easily addictive, and well worth the time spent playing it. Will there be more?

Very fun game except survival ends at 777 points?

I didn't die by the game stopped when I reached 777 points in survival mode.

The level cap was awesome but then again I personally like character building, I do wish there was a was to respec so everytime I wanted to try a new build I didn't have to relevel the character up to 15 again but it did kill some time and I had a great time doing it.

Fire was a tad OP but overall the balance of the different trees was decent and if you know what your doing you can synerize them very well, the game in terms of character building was very well though out it seems I highly enjoyed it and can't wait till number 2 if there is one. Please don't lift the level limit though the game would be quite boring knowing you can just max everything and not having to actually pick a spec, Since this game was based on wow's talent trees and I loved making character builds in wow I highly enjoyed it. If yoru complaning about the level limit you need to learn to make the best within the condfines of the game not cry about it till you can just max everything and take all the though out of an RPG, that's what ruined wow people cry about not having certain ability.

Here is the build I used to get the max score on survival and I could have kept going for much much longer =(

15/0/13 - The Chosen Pyromancer!
Fire: 15 Points
3/3 imp Fireball
4/4 Hot Air
1/1 Double Fireball
2/4 Rapid Fire
1/1 Armageddon
1/1 Triple Fireball
3/3 Pryomancy

Ice: 0 Points

Divine: 13 Points

3/3 Divine Grace
2/2 Swift Retribution
3/3 Miracle Healing
3/3 Holy Wrath
2/2 Chosen One

Spell Slots
Z: Spark of Life
X: Armageddon
C: Fireball

A little boring

Not a whole lot new happens, and every monster you kill makes the same sound.

Well done!

This game was very good aside from a few little quirks here and there. The level cap felt somewhat limiting but at the same time I understand why it's there and I also rather enjoyed the challenge it presented for character building. Personally, I like to have limitations when building a character because if you're able to simply learn everything then the game easily becomes boring. Perhaps there can be more abilities and levels as well as greater challenges in the next game with a level cap of 20 though; it would make it feel more open ended to the other players.

Level caps aside, I did notice that fire is rather powerful but I also haven't tried any of the other trees. In fact, so far I haven't bothered specializing, and it's rather easy to beat the game using a versitle build that only uses the first three spells. I liked this because I prefer versatility over specialization.

Another quirk I had was the character's speed, he moves way too slow for this type of game, especially when the warlocks become greater in number and the game escalates into a bullet-hell shooter style. This is especially a problem when the wizard's movement becomes blocked off by a wall of projectiles and keeps me from repositioning to finish off some enemies that are about to escape. Also, warlocks have a nasty habit of firing from off screen which means projectiles may sometimes come from both the front and back. I often found myself not even bothering to dodge in most cases, because the experience from killing creatures usually outweighs trying to avoid a massive wave of spells. Also, the wizard is quite large on top of being slow which makes him relatively easier to hit.

The ability to fire backwards would also be nice because then I wouldn't have to pass through a wall of frozen enemies in order to take advantage of the chilly winds passive. Or perhaps a nice dodge maneuver that the wizard could use to tumble past hazards unharmed then he could hurdle over enemies as long as they were frozen without taking damage.This would also alleviate the previously mentioned issue with projectile walls and would help quicken the pace of the game a bit.

The final boss was way too easy, I was hoping to see it transform into a more powerful form or start using a more challenging attack pattern but it does not increase too much in difficulty. Even when it starts calling bats to distract you.

Other than those quirks and perhaps a few others, I found this game very enjoyable and I hope to see a sequel, perhaps also including other archetypes such as rouges, warriors, and archers. As well as a deeper story and generally more to see.