The most entertaining...
game I've played on Newgrounds in a LONG time. It was simple enough to keep me interested, and whenever I thought I was closer to the end, more opened up for me to explore. Great job!!
* Great user interface that allows easy control of the character and navigation through the world.
* Simplistic enough to keep my attention and provide quality entertainment for an hour or so.
* Awesome design! I used to make video games like this. My main job was tiling and designing the levels, world map, and general layout of the game.
You just can't beat the simply awesome entertainment value of old games, and yours stays true to that.
Constructive criticism
* If you make more games in this style, try to layer them even more. As in, try and add more elements of play, such as puzzles or even more enemy attack
* I love the interface and the equipment for Robot. I'd recommend maybe putting more main weapons in besides a million shot gun(which was fun to spam though!) as the main weapon, and then maybe adding a weapon switch system.
All in all, I really don't have anything negative to say, except that I would LOVE to see you create in this style from now on :P and to also develop your skills in creating games like this. I would love to see how far you can go!
This took a ton of work, but maybe you could find a partner and do a collaboration on a bigger project! That would be amazing.
You're awesome. Thanks for the entertainment! 5/5 10/10