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Reviews for "Agnos"

Uh, perfect. The timbre to your voice is so gorgeous. I love the low register notes at the beginning Your control and your tone is so spot on. How long have you been singing?

The instruments match so well too, very natural and organic. I love the slightly more distant vocals around 2:14, WOW THAT CONTROL. I liked the pause before belong, I thought it did exactly what you wanted.

give me your voice. 5/5 favorite and a follow

etherealwinds responds:

ugh I love you *___*

Thank you! I've never had a singing lesson or used singing as anything but a hobby, but until the age of 16/17, I was REALLY not very good at all. So I guess I could say I've been singing properly for 3 years, but I was making covers of songs on Youtube at the age of 13 haha. I've still got a long way to go with that.

I do have even further to go with the production side of things however. I've only really been using FL Studio for 6 months and before that, I used to make instrumentals acoustically, but the quality wasn't too good. I'm glad you liked it and thank you for following!

welp, Kor-Rune took the words right outta my mouth, lol.

but man, this is absolutely beautiful! so... ethereal (pun intended) ^_^

also, a very wonderfully mixed track! easily a 10/10 from me.

etherealwinds responds:

Thank you so much Jacob, I really loved your track also!! ^ ^

Aw man Jordi. Great choice implementing a guitar. It adds to the mystical feel the song gives. The chords are warm, emotional, and have a fairytale-like atmosphere.

And dat voice. It's like someone is pouring honey into my ears. You seriously I've begun to also see your vocal style, which includes a lot of grace notes that blend perfectly into the harmonies. The chords at 2:35 made me gasp - they were such an pleasant progression that I don't often hear. You have incredible vocal range as well! I didn't know you had like four different octaves in you.

You also have amazing dynamics - it's very well-mixed. I enjoy the stereo phasing of the choir, it's like a very smooth breeze throughout the piece. I think my only criticism is the pause at 0:50 - I feel it goes on for a half second too long. But that's it. Once again, great job my friend! :)

etherealwinds responds:

'Honey' seems to be peoples' favourite word when describing my voice and is something I find difficult to actually really understand haha! I don't think I have the best vocal range in the world but it's something I continue to work on when I practice by myself. Thank you so much! That part has had mixed reviews so I guess it's just down to people's own perspective.

All the best and thank you~


The Good:
-That guitar is very nice. I like the background instrument playing at the same time, it sounds very mellow and calm.
-Your vocal work is as always good.
-1:16, VERY nice note there.
-Break at 1:24-1:43 is FANTASTIC. I like the peace and little tremelos within it, it was very calming and powerful in my opinion.
-Your melodies, harmonies, and general composition is fantastic. Only one issue with it which I'll mention.
-Mixing is decent. Could be better, but could be a TON worse.

The Not-So-Good:
-I don't particularly like the panning of the pad being exactly the same for each bloom. It makes it sound very much like a one-shot sample which you just pitched around.
-At about 0:34-0:40, there are a few mixing issues which causes the guitar to be a bit buried. There's more of this at 1:04-1:16.
-0:50-0:53 seems to be slightly too long of a pause, possibly caused by the notes ending the break. Similar happens at 1:03, though that's more of a rhythmic thing making the entrance sound awkward.
-Are there meant to be background vocal harmonies at 1:55? They're very indistinct and difficult to make out.
-The vocal note at about 2:00 seems dissonant compared to the other notes. Considering the tonality of this piece, that's not a good thing.
-More of an overall compositional aspect: You have a wonderful theme at the beginning and from 1:04-1:16, but it vanishes from the rest of the piece. I'd have liked one last iteration of it at the end.

Overall: Score of 9/10. The issues aren't particularly major, but there are plenty of them. I haven't gotten into full nitpick mode with you yet, that'll be in the next round. ;)

This is an NGADM Round 3 review.


I am, as always, awestruck by the astonishing beauty of your music. Getting the obvious stuff out of the way, your singing is beyond exceptional. This track showcases even more of your singing capabilities. I'm hearing trills that are extremely well-performed with a precise pitch that I thought was only possible with tuning software. You even display your lower register too. Your command over your voice is so thorough and skilful that I get chills listening to it, along with the fact that it's, of course, an excellent singing voice that works wonderfully with your style of music. Truly fantastic singing performance.

To my delight, you've even got the balance between instrumentation and voice that I was hoping to hear in your Round 1 submission. You treat your voice like another instrument in the mix, rather than keeping it upfront and having everything else playing faintly in the background. You even have a nice instrumental section at the end to finish off the track. By the way, I must add that the atmosphere of this track is my favourite atmosphere from you so far, and this time your use of reverb is just right! OK maybe still a slight bit of muddiness but your use of reverb makes me feel like I'm hearing this in a cathedral, especially during the Greek sections, making this succeed in creating a very big sense of space.

Your composition is excellent. I love how you start the track with a pretty strict 3/4 metre, and in the second half, where you switch to Greek, the metre becomes much harder to follow, and everything becomes so much more flowing and expressive. It provides two different angles to the track which is an impressive and masterful touch. Your melodies, supporting harmonies and modulations are extremely well-made. 2:34 is one of my favourite little passages. Your vocal harmonies add so much expression to that part! Unlike some other reviewers I love your pauses to bits. They're long, and a bit awkward during first listen, but they are such nicely-placed stops that heighten your melody. Solid intro, ending and transitions, by the way.

My score on your songs keeps going up and up. In this track, the issues are much less apparent. I found that after constant listening, the track would get a bit overbearing or tiring to listen to. I can't pinpoint why - perhaps it's because you didn't vary your instrumentation/voicing as much as you did in your other tracks, or because your atmosphere/mood is relatively unchanging, which is something that wasn't an issue in your previous submissions. This kind of reduces the replay value of this track. Other than that undeniably small nitpick I can't find anything else which is negative to mention about this track. I am very impressed with your consistent improvement, and how fantastic your tracks are sound-wise, despite the fact that you use soundfonts.

Brilliant work. One of my favourites of this round. Keep it up and never ever stop making music ever.

Score: 9.4/10