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Reviews for "RedHand"


This is one of the most kickass things I've seen in a while! The story is compelling to say the least and the animation is fluent and it's clear you guys took your time on this one. Congrats and keep it up!

Shayphis responds:

Thanks, i will ^^

Deent :)

First, in terms of quality of the art, I'd say most of it is very well done. I liked all the paticular details here and there. Animation is also decent but some parts seemed a little more sub-par than others. For example, the one I found standing out the most was the mouthing of Voro in part B when he's talking to Magnus. It seemed to be somewhat unnatural IMO. Another one was the cocking of Voro's gun. It seemed to flicker somewhat, but I guess this is more likely a technical fault rather than your animating problem, but it's still something I'd suggest you fix.

The part I disliked most however was the voicing. I found most of the voices to have somewhat of a cliched feel to them, and ironically, Voro's voice seems to suffer the most in this aspect. And the voices of the soldiers(Not all of them) seem to be too "grizzled up". This effect when done moderately can be cool, but too much can become annoying.

But there were a couple voices I did like however, especially the voice of the "Veteran" Voro meets in the hallway as well as the voice of Conners (After checking the credits, my suspicions were confirmed: Conners was indeed Tawl)

As for the plot, it feels vastly similar to a more expanded version of Castle 3 Part A, but I'll assume it's just a similarity and won't begrudge you for it. Also, as with Castle 3 Part A, this episode feels more like a prologue that fills us in on various points of the plot before kicking off. So far I can't see any paticular faults in it so I'll say it's well done. Just remember when you start the actual "moving" plot, take care not to land in plot holes or make it too bland.

Another thing I didn't like was some uses of music, which stands out most when Voro walks out to the courtyard. The feeling it gave started out really well, but before it can finish its job, its gone. The blankness left by its absence mirrors the same blank feeling we get after it leaves so abruptly. Even if you decide to not have something there. A tiny bit of sound effects could rid us of that blank feeling.

So in the end I would give it an 7.5/10 (I'm giving a 10 for support). You get a boost for all the superb detail, but you lose quite a bit lot for the voice acting.

Shayphis responds:

Thanks for the fair review and the support :)


KEEP GOING. makes more episodes

Epic but...

The graphics, sounds, and storyline are very amazing. I can only think of the start of the Castle 3 series when I watch this. However, my mind is searching for something in this piece...I don't know what it is. But I know, if you continue to improve, I'll find it. :D. I'm looking forward for the next episode. Kudos!


Probably even better than the castle series

Shayphis responds:

I'll never surpass Castle :)