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Reviews for "Pixel Purge"


This is the first time I've ever saved the link to a flash game :P


It's been at least twice i accidentally quit my game just because i kept the mouse button pressed while opening the power-up menu, then releasing the lb on the "quit" button... i was at level 26!!!! Aside this minor, but really frustrating stain, there are two things i hate: those grunts when they come in swarms of all dimension from every direction, while the others won't let you escape safely, it makes quite impossible for me to get even a 500 hit chain, then you add a little freakin' splitter disguised as a pixel and you vanquished at least fifteen minutes of efforts... But now i cooled down, and i say that's amazing! I liked this even better than Cell warfare, especially for the permanent upgrades and bonus points for achievements, controls respond perfectly, and the graphics is cool while leaving the gameplay lag-free even on my crappy pc... Truly a great job!

Innovative, accessible and addictive

This is a highly polished survival game. It has:

- A nice difficulty curve: enemies get tougher, bigger and more numerous
the longer the player survives.
The game is never too easy nor ridiculously hard.
- Well designed visuals: Giving a retro feel with a modern twist.
- Addictive and non-monotonous gameplay: I liked the variety of upgrades available from the tech tree. Also I think you got the risk/reward balance with pixel items scattered by enemies as you killed them. Spray, dodge and pray FTW.

All up, I loved the run and gun pixel fest, and I hope to see more such games in the future...


I agree with Master-Specter, it would be easier if there was checkpoints in the game such as a certain amount of levels you pass sums you a checkpoint so you dont have to start all over again, and maybe you only are allowed 3 lives or something.

I thought it was quite an addictive game, not easy when you're playing on a laptop like me, yet it was still fun, great job on this.

I will give you a 9/10 due to simplicity and its not hard to pull off a game like this, many have proven. But i think 9 is still respectable.

Really good job man

I was thinking of giving this game a 7 after playing it for the first time. At first it seems ordinary and a lot like other games of its genre, but then I played it again a couple of days later. This time I paid attention to the details fx the intro video AND the scoreboard system, I simple love that you only have to press the submit-button and then your NG-name is used :) thumbs up.