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Reviews for "TANK MAN"

Mega Clone

I really liked this clone, but it felt a little bit too easy for me. You were a bit generous on the power ups & recovery items. i noticed that some of the spikes seemed to be covered up so you won't be able to hit them unless you're not that cautious of them. (Maybe make a difficulty setting like Mega Man 10?)

Playing with Tank Man and Mega Man was fun, but do you think you can add the Charge Shot? (Even if you don't like it)

I liked the idea you came up with Portal Man and I can't wait to see the next Robot Masters.

The enemies and obstacles were fine as well but I noticed that the stage was...well not exactly Portal Man's "theme" if you know what I'm talking about.

Last is the music. Still Blastin' is probably the best Mega Man related music I've ever listened to, but it didn't seem to go well on Portal Man's stage for me. If you design a stage with some kind of theme or something else, that would be great.

I can't wait to see more from you :)

Lambtaco responds:

I'm a little confused about your first paragraph. There is a difficulty setting, and it sounds like you were playing on easy mode.

If a few more people ask me to put in charge shot, I might. But for now I'll stand my ground. Maybe megaman will get the charge shot and tankman will get something different.

I don't know that I'll be making any more robot masters. From the weapons you can guess what they might be.

I just sort of made the stage I felt like making. I also wanted it to feel like a more general megaman stage, Portal Man would require a more gimmicky stage. If I made a full 8 master game, I'd probably design eight stages of varied themes and then decide which robot masters fit the stages, maybe slightly changing the graphics.

The audio portal really lacks original megaman style music. I wanted the stage them to be an original piece and not just a remix. Still Blastin' is partially what inspired me to make the game so I thought I'd return the favour and use it in the game. If I made a full game I'd probably use music made by Kevvviiinnn on Youtube. His stuff is great.

Thanks for the comprehensive review.

Dear ChaDMcBaDD

If you press jump and down at the same time you can slide witch is S and down now figure if the jump key WAS up, it would be awful hard to slide wouldn't it? AS controls DO work, it's just you're not used to them and you're too lazy to get used to them so get over it ya mary sou.

In other news it was a great game but i found i couldn't slide through the boss door like in MegaMan witch made me a kinda sad.

Lambtaco responds:

I kinda had a similar reaction as ChaDMcBaDD when analog sticks came out, except I was six years old.

Yeah, I tried for like an hour to get him to slide through the doors, but for some reason it wasn't working. I was hoping noone would notice.


Great game has the same feeling the original megaman games had. Although there was one glitch were I was shot and I was supposed to die but my character continued moving in place. I couldn't shoot, jump, or pause the game. Looking forward to a second level!

Lambtaco responds:

Okey dokey. Can you tell me what shot you? And did it still make the noise like when you die? Pm me, please.

I want more bosses

It was well programmed and I enjoyed the challenges and the secrets.

I was really hoping for more bosses than just P-bot. I hope you continue to add stages and more bosses to the game.

Also, add a 'controls' screen. I didn't even realize I had a 'menu' screen to access in order to change weapons!

I quite liked this game for quite a few reasons, the main reason being the fact that it's Mega Man-related! Everything else was just as awesome too, from the boss, to the pixel art, to even the level design! Overall, this was super fun, and a wonderful tribute to Newgrounds and Mega Man.