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Reviews for "Collateral"


only for english keyboard layout = game is worthless

MrPiglet responds:

You can control the game with arrow keys + space/shift or numpad or wsad. If you have some strange keyboard arrangement where none of these work please provide details and I can do my best to support it in future games.

Bug killed the game

If you kill the first guy that has to push you back up, the game cannot be completed. Such a game-breaking bug means I can't really give this game anything else.

The Game Was Fun

The heavy handed sub... okay, that wasn't even subtext. There is, however, two extreme, extreme missteps if your message is pacifism. They fire at you using the same exact weapon you have. If this were me, I'd fire right back. If I got hit and the only thing that happened was that I flew back, one I'd be very relieved, two I would assume that I'm not going to kill them if I shot back. Also, avoiding the shooting on the way back up is, in fact, pacifism. If they die by their own shots, that's idiocy. You are trying to make what can be, as shown by Gandhi, an effective argument, that pacifism is the way to go. Heavy handed bullshit like this just pisses people off. It's clearly fictional, it was actually a fun game, and then you go and try to be eloquent and potent with your message. Nuclear missiles are a pretty big deal. Also, if the people in charge actually want proof of something, they don't say 'Kill everyone', especially if the enemy actually has nuclear missiles. NOBODY wants those things going off. Your method for delivering the idea of pacifism is the worst way of delivering the idea of pacifism ever. Thank you, oh great one, for being a dick.


that was awfal!! how about next time you give your self a strick 2 months so the game might be better and i dont know how, at the point of this reveiw the overall game rating is more than 2/10. work harder or dont work at all cus its not worth it and noone's gonna play 'em!

This game pisses me off so much that i want to kill myself. First of all, it's fucking boring. Second of all it's really tedious, although this is a newgrounds game so what did i expect. You can't leave everyone alive. Also, if you kill a certain enemy you can't beat the game. Fantastic.