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Reviews for "Give Up, Robot"

Fun, but becomes a chore quickly.

The game was fun at first until around level 38 and onward, when it became one of those unbearable trial-and-error trainwrecks where no actual skill or strategy was involved, and only dying hundreds of times before you landed that PIXEL-PERFECT jump. Up until that point, I was moderately entertained, but it's nothing I haven't seen before.

Challenging as Hell! Not perfect, however

Graphics: I love the retro style and it is really really colorful, but when the screen scrolls or you are grappled onto a moving object... that blur just ruins everything. It really was sickening to look at. 1/3

Sound: I loved the robot's voice and funny dialogue and the music, but the repetition of it all was poking me in the back of the head by level 40. 2/3

Execution: This game...is... HARD! I completed all 50 levels in normal and was so brain dead i tried the 1st hard mission halfway through and finally just gave up. The physics and everything worked wonderfully, i felt great the moment i got through level 50 :) 3/3

Overall this game is super challenging and has a funny theme to it. I would definitely take the time to play through it, if you have a lot of time to kill that is. my final time was 44 minutes, which is pretty lengthy for a flash game! That motion blur and some of the repetition with the music though hurt the game's overall score. Also, we have all seen the 8 bit style platformers many times now on here. And the grappling gun is nothing new, as well as it was done. The robot's sayings were funny and almost worth dieing to hear, but I just feel like it all came from Portal. Nothing unique or special, but still a great challenge!


its kinda easy. not any real new ideas ether. but still kinda fun.

I freaking hate this game,

At level 50 it is impossible to re-attach yourself on the little square box and then be able to fit through the gaps on the pillars right after that. The game was fun untill the 5th stage of levels.

is it saying "Ejaculate" whenever you die? Still a great fucking game even though I cant beat it :(