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Reviews for "Epic War 4"


i find some of the buttons, like the play button, hard to find, as they blend in with the backround.

-the animations are choppy
-the movement is slow
-I find the leader of each group so strong that i just need to
click assault once for victory
-I can hear the music loop
overall 4/10 sorry :(

It lost the save game data

I was going to rate this high, but it crashed and when I came back the save game data was gone.


Le sigh. :(

Its Not a Bad Game. Just Way To Slow, And Defiantly Not as Good as the Third one :[

I don't really like the new epic war

because the art is completely different and the gameplay is like arranging a team then just watching i would want the arrow tower back or maybe seperate epic war 3 and 4 into a different story because after epic war 2 i was excited about epic war 3 but then i found out that epic war 3 had completely different gameplay and even the art i don't know what happened the gameplay went bad and the art like the background and the castle changed from realistic fantasy art from cartoon art it actually feels like a different series
Don't take it personally i really like the epic war series but i just want the old gameplay back
You really shouldn't change the gameplay like that
and you could bring it back to normal in epic war 5 or 6 if you already planned 5
and just make another series with this gameplay

Tons of issues with this game

its very well balanced as far as damage goes but has problem areas

The game is terribly laggy even with most settings off i feel like my computer was about to catch flame.

units do not follow commands most of the time. Units will often times ignore commands long enough to die. A command should be instant, when i tell a unit to retreat five times i mean RETREAT, not stay and fight for a few more minutes and die.

If it was less laggy, offered a low quality option, and units obeyed comands, i would really like this game alot.

I sunk about 3 hours into this game and just got frustrated with the lag and poor unit response and decided to call it quits when i was only about 20% completed with the game.