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Reviews for "Zombies Took My Daughter!"


melee horrid, AI always in the way, most of the weapons are the same ,and i went though every place cleared the map 100% and she was no where to be found. 5/10 max

nice game

one problem. the game seems to be too big to fit it's own screen. all the important stuff like health, ammo, money all that stuff is off the edge of the screen?!? I tried opening it in a window and that didn't help. I also couldn't use the 'show all' option because it seems to have been disabled. It's not my screen, as I'm playing on a 21.5 inch iMac!

other than that, the concept is great. the controls are a little annoying and the fact that you miss sometimes (like the guy below me said) sucks but otherwise it's good. I just wish I could play it properly, maybe it's my browser or my Flash as no-one else seems to be having this issue.


I kept starting over because I thought I losing 8 hours was too much, and on my third refresh, she was in the first place I went.

Great game dude. The controls are a little bit iffy (mostly in going up and down stairs), but the story was enough to make me try and it was pretty fun. I'd love to see an improved version of it.

same problem here

got 100% searched but no sign of the daughter and then ^^

but good game, good idea.

Misses and melee

Missing is one of the most aggravating things in this game, and not aggravating in a good way, because there's no way that you can stop it from happening, and almost without exception as soon as you miss you either die or lose most of your health. Also, the melee is too ineffective when a zombie just out of reach runs at you, it makes for a blind spot that automatically causes the loss of at least one health. These two problems combined with the repetitive music would usually kill a game like this for me, but this game is also very very good in that it's unique and original.