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Reviews for "Neenja 4"


I think both oney and satanicgoomba need to take a chill pill...

it seriously looked like you guys rewatched the movie several so you could purposely pinpoint "flaws"... thats just sad.

anyways, disgust with kids epeen aside, i thought it was a well put together episode. fight scene was good but for a "fight episode" it needed to be a little longer. I do agree with the voice change on the kid. Unlike oney and satanic.. im alright with change... but at least pick another voice that flows with the character.

as for the STORY: him killing a monster, celebrating, preparing to learn a super secret ninja move, and seeing behind the scenes stuff where crazy lady is making some monster army is the basic plot for this episode... its to the same extent as the rest of the episodes. its a great bridge and cliffhanger for the next one!

^^see that satanic! you would pick up the storyline if you watched the movie for entertainment, not simply to hunt for flaws

4/5 8/10 for the only issue to me being the voice acting. great flash! :)


i vote 4 because he was drunk

There are some issues with this I need to mention

Let me first begin by congratulating you on improving and taking the series to another level. I cannot begin to tell you how much I appreciate your effort and dedication even after you left us hanging for YEARS. (DAMN IT, where's NEENJA 5???).

You've definitely upgraded the artwork, animation and sound/musical effects. And from what I've seen, they added a lot of intensity and suspense. I love how you mix in some drama with comedy. The animation was straightforward and the plot was understandable, and the characters were extremely enjoyable.

Now, what I have issues with is how many newgrounds artists tend to make their protagonist overly dominant (way too powerful). The main character with only several days of training, managed to take out an ogre without getting hurt, not even a scratch in fact. No blood, no injury, nothing. And you added insult to injury by adding the fact that he hasn't mastered his ultimate powers just yet. Overly dominant heroes tend to make stories go awry because they're boring. And it's annoying to see a hero too strong that the bad guys can't do anything, because then... well, there's no point to the story, because we know that the heroes will always win and it gets annoying and repetitive. There's just no room left for character development when the hero is so strong and the bad guys can never keep up with them. Why not just kick every bad guy's ass at the same time and be done with? You should've at least let the ogre smack him into the wall at least once to show that the bad guys have SOME abilities.

Stories are supposed to be where the heroes are underdogs. They're beaten down, chewed up, and defeated time again and again before finally defeating the overly arrogant bad guy. I think you tried to portray that the hero is an underdog through the training by making the hero look bad and inexperienced, but that's a double edged sword, because seeing such an inexperienced, clumsy hero defeating a monstrous ogre.

I suppose during the next series, you're going to let the hero finally suffer defeat by being overpowered by sheer number. And then he's going to go emo for a while, get a new inspiration, master his ultimate powers and finally defeat the main antagonist.

That's the next problem with the series: It's a bit predictable. Predictability = boring because we know what's going to come next. It makes us not want to watch the series (the only thing that's keeping me going is the humor, but even that's going a bit dry now because I haven't seen a neenja 5 update for a long time). Add some twists, some turns, something we can't predict and something unique and original that no other series has. If you can pull that off, this series will be more spectacular than it already is.

I don't mean to be picky and I hope I don't sound too harsh. I give honest opinions to good flash artists that I see have potential (I don't do reviews for everyone) and I want to see them polish their work from raw gems into diamonds. And I know you have the potential to do that, so I'm just reminding you of some flaws that may make a good series go bad.

Remember, I love this series and all your works. Keep up the good work and I would love to see more. Looking forward to neenja 5 (hurry up with it already T__T).


Sykohyko responds:

thank you :)

loved it.

this flash was fantastic. The movie realy worked with the music, but i have to say this. Its a fight. But its too slow, which realy dident help with the fact that it was predictable, make us garp, twist the story line, make it sure that we jump, the unexpected makes it better, also the speed of the fight. You have made it in one simple pace, but make some bits slower than others to make more of a dramatic effect. Make it silent at some parts, where something is about to happen, wich leads to my next point. you made it so the good guy wins when he hasent got full power. so make it so he doesnt win. Make a twist.
But all in all the flash was exelent. and I am sorry if i am being a bit moany, and i dont mean to push you into anything. All i want to say is that it needs a massive twist, not just at the end, but somewere wich makes us jump.
Thats all and thanks for makeing just a good flash for us to wach


jk but attach chains to those axes and he becomes mckratos from chains of olympus.