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Reviews for "Loved"

It's an impressive concept and very good execution of it through game play. I thoroughly enjoyed playing through most of this, but sadly the game experiences quite a lot of lag on my end. Aside from that it's a great experience and is something that lets you pause to think about your actions, and why you're doing them.

I hate to be a bitch, but the controls are way too glitchy. One star.

Too short and needs more features like interactive objects maybe.

Very interesting. If you're the submissive personality, you'll do everything the voice says. And the voice loves you all the more for it. The voice loves to be in control, and loves to control you. And so does the relationship work, so to speak.

On the other hand, if you ignore everything the voice says, it will call you terrible things, certainly, but in the end, the voice is simply scared that you'll leave them. The voice loves you, that's why it tells you, that's why it knows what's best for you, even if it's not actually better. The voice is the classic control freak; insecure in themselves, and therefor insecure in all others. Through control, the risk of being abandoned is, in the mind of the controller, slim.

From personal experience, I can say there are many women (maybe men, but I've never been that involved with one) who want their partners to be controlling. It's a very strange thing, methinks, wanting to be controlled. But if that's what you like, who's to say you're wrong? Great social experiment, author. Most definitely opened my eyes, and many other's. Kudos.

Great game, story, concept, you got the whole shabang. But the whole time I was thinking, this is like being in a relationship that is controlling, your partner is the one who is controlling you, judging you, and bi-polar when you disobey/obey them. So... did I get it right? Is this game supposed to illustrate the inner-workings of an abusive/controlling relationship where you play the victim? pm me please?