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Reviews for "Days of The Dead"

nice game

i like this game...well yea its a short game altough the game overall make it an average game more than a difficult if you now how to shoot or use the magic, i would like a Days of the dead 2 but more larger pls.
thumbs up too.

Overall, Nice Time Waster

It's a nice work- you can tell that effort was put into it. But...with only 13 levels, it feels relatively short compared to other Flash Games nowadays. I did enjoy the combat system: I wonder if it would be easier to go strictly +Damage instead of both +Damage/+Crit...so that gives it a little replay value (which is good!). Thumbs up, bruh.

way too short

First its way to short for the prices of the best bow,arrows and wall there is just no way to save up the money Second the spells cost too much to get the best ones and get the mana and mana recovery you need to use them so most spells are useless, You could of atleast let people keep there money and items when starting a new game oh and speaking of items only 5? you get one of each and then 1 upgraded version of 1... That should have been your first clue that it is too short if you cant even have an upgraded version of all the items.

and yes FYI people you CAN move with both the arrow keys and WSAD in order to kill those ones that get at the very bottom of the wall.

interesting yet too linear

an overall good shooting and skill game, although it needs better depth perception programming due to the fact that when flame archers are in the background you are unable to hit them whilst the skeleton warriors are approaching making it difficult to take flame archers down, also the beasts follow a similar criteria making it difficult to take them down with other monsters on the field, one more thing close range is a little shifty at times. overall i found it to be entertaining and well made with the exception of the linear paths designed for shooting at the monsters

Okay, so after completing the game :

-Too short, make it like 25 waves, that'll be much better
-Resize the arrows, I mean look at the character and his arrow when he's not shooting, and look at the arrow that has been shot : Its not an arrow anymore, it's a flying column !
-Speaking of the character, when he points at a direction and the arrrow goes at another direction... Its not following the cursor.
-If you're gonna make it longer, you'll have to give like 2 points instead of 5. You just have to spam the damage skill and you'll finish the game quickly.
-being too powerful makes it useless to upgrade the wall. Its too expensive and its not worth the points.
-By the way, the ennemies are a liiiiitle bit too powerful for me... As far as i'm concerned.
-"YOUR VILLAGE BELONG TO THE UNDEAD"... Its not dramatic ! "Hey look our village belong to the undead now" "Okay cool our chief was a pussy anyway". I'd write "Your wall crumbles to the successive attack of your ennemies as you are pitifully trying to avoid your inevitable death. Soon the walking deads take over your village, burning it and massacring the villagers." instead. Okay maybe not THAT dramatic, but I guess it's a good start.
-There's a thing that PISSED ME OFF. I mean, really. A skelleton was walking down the screen, I didn't see it and it attacked my wall. Okay, not a problem, I'll shoot it from here, I said. na-hah the skelleton said, your line of fire is TOO LIMITED TO SHOOT AN ARROW AT ME. Fuck man, a single skelleton I couldn't reach with my arrows litterally destroyed my wall even if I could rip off a centurion-skeletton's head with a single arrow ! You gotta fix that. If it happens, you can only try to kill it with the rain of arrows, and if you're out of mana... Well, you're fucked.

That's all, pretty much. Its a good game but it needs a lot of improvements. keep up the good work.