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Reviews for "Layer Maze"


It was really hard but fun
my tim:28.23.03

not the best time but im glad i finished.
it took me almost 20 min for lvl 9 and only 2 for lvl 10 :P after a while i thought the exit is there but how do i get there... so i was thinking like im at the exit so i didnt thought from theposition i was but from the exit (thinking backwards:P)

then i finished lvl 9 and 10

Great game
good concept
sounds arent bad either
graphics could have been better
nice gameplay
fun to play

9/10 :D

you could improve sound or graphics
because the graphics werent that nice.

Love it

I didnt have any complaints i just dont have the attention span for it lol

good, but i lack the attention span to play

awesome puzzle game, but with my three second at best attention span i could never beat it.

really nice game

it was really fun, i just made it in 9:37 minutes...
it was different, that is what i liked most on this game

Just as I was losing hope..

I did it 17:52 .. the 10th level is nearly ridiculous I don't even know how i finally did it!

Great Game..