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Reviews for "KAZAHANA: Merciless"

not cool

PACE THINGS UP A BIT! For starters.

It was way too boring. Nothing that kept me interested between the action bit(s), and so I just watched on and on hoping for it to end soon. That's not the kind of attitude you want your viewers to watch your flash with.

The angles of your "shots" were not very diverse, making the thing too monotonous and a pain to sit through. Also, NEVER use the "directly from above cam" as it looks like some cheap 90s adventure game. And the guitar, ugh, we get it, he'll use it as weapon eventually. WE GET IT! Stop with the unnatural shining light tricks already...

Voice acting, mouth flapping, still frames, animation, character detail, shading, blood splatters, all were a bit too amateurish, even for a flash series.

I seriously advise you to just start from scratch. Watch a few of your favorite animated movies or something, and practice to make your artwork look on par.

Animation iteslf is a whole different story, but if you can't manage stills, I don't think there's a future for you there... yet.

Either way, this is directly taken from the source material, which is various cheap animes. It was a total mess. The structure wasn't worked out well, way too much unnecessary stuff was there.

And even though regular anime style is nothing to aspire to, you didn't even pull off the obvious stunts like their hair moving in the wind, which would improve the overall feeling significantly with little effort involved. If you're going for "cheap", at least know your shortcuts!

Overall, you're a few years too late with this. Not cool, dude(s). Not cool. Better luck next time!


It would of been nice and funny if the bad guy talk all that b/s then got hes ass kicked that would of been sweet.
I can't belive thats how you ended the fight he just comes out of no were and hites hem with something, like really thats what you thought of to end the fight.

oh and that girl wow was she stupid like really I think I would of liked this alote more if she was left out of this like really whats your next flash going to be the bad guy raping her to death be-c I mean he does say everthing hes going to do befor he does it so... maybe?
I could just go on and on about how bad this flash was.
I gave you a 3/5 and 5/10 just be-c I did think the story could be good it needs alote of work but theres a good story her I hope you find it.

p.s. find a new flash animatior not even bothering to go into what was bad about the animation wow.


Meh, the animation and voice acting were very weak. I can kinda see what you're trying to do. With a little imagination I can see the environments and story you're trying to bring to life, but you need to fill that gap yourself in order to make a great flash. Killing the headband guy was a nice twist *PUN!*, but otherwise, I didn't really see anything worthwhile here.


it felt like you were trying to anime it up a bit. and by a bit I mean practically eeeeverything. prety old story, family bonds, bla bla bla, fight to the death, even more bla bla bla and nothnig felt that important. animation was not that bad, but it needed more... volume? like egoraptor's and kirbopher's animations.
voice acting was ok, but "the bad guy" had this voice that was pretty "trying-to-hard-to-seem-badass". Yagi sounded like a whiney bitch and bla bla bla. can't really find anything goodin this story. like why did he drag along the girl? wasn't she dead? and how many people actually dress like naruto characterss on a tuesday? Yes, it must have been a tuesday. possibly a sunday...
whatever this was pretty bad.
'ave a nois dey!

kinda boring

sry but its true