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Reviews for "Redshift"

Very Good Game

It's really addicting

Has potential but is flawed

Gonna start by saying the game could be a 9 or 10 if you fixed some issues that really never should have gotten past the drawing board.

The biggest problem this game has is your "over 250 weapons". If 4/5 of your 250 weapons are garbage, you only have 50 actual weapons and I'm being generous when I say 4/5. Things like the Lightning Gun or Sawblade Launcher are not actually useful. You need to cut out a bunch of the crap and that means things like "Broken Machine Gun". It serves no purpose other than to be recycled.

Infact due to the way you designed the enemy waves the only two really useful type of weapons are shotguns and grenade launchers. And if you really really want to get technical, triple/quad grenade launchers are god mode weapons due to how you designed your splash damage mechanics.

A more in depth explanation: Doom Shotgun x6, it's a highest rarity item, your description even says "There will be no survivors". It deals ~100 damage at end game per shot. Quad Grenade Launcher is a rarity 4/6. It deals ~100 damage at end game per shot, however it's damage splashes. If I sit right on boss and fire the Doom Shotgun it will deal ~600 damage cause all 6 shots will hit. If I fire the Quad Grenade Launcher it will deal ~400 damage however each shot will splash and hit for a 2nd time. It is a rarity 4/6, that means there are better grenade launchers out there; meanwhile things like sawblades or rocket launchers are very unforgiving in how you use them and they're not as effective. Does this clearly explain why the majority of the weapons are useless? Moving forward let's talk about shields.

Shields early on are great for EMP damage. You can luck out and get a 750-800 damage EMP on the first level and when your basic gun deals ~15 damage a shot? Amazing. By the time I'm at end game the EMP damage is useless. Reflect shield you say? In theory those are useful, but if using a high end grenade launcher I will want the strongest duration/strength absorb shield so I can sit on the boss' weak spot and deal tons of damage.

Now let's get to things that you need to fix to make this a damn near perfect game. Recycle system, this needs to be less of a hassle to use. Yes I can click "recycle duplicates" but for starters when I'm recycling individual items there is no hotkey to use to do this faster. Fix that and I won't care about having to recycle single items. Another option is getting rid of all this crap I will never ever use. That covers things like Rusted Shotguns and shields with a 1 second duration (hi internet lag). By removing a bunch of things that are useless and serve no purpose other than to be recycled, there will be more duplicates and therefore the recycle duplicate feature will work better.

Next thing you need is a way to equip multiple weapons at once that you can switch through hotkeys. For some waves of enemies I want a shotgun, others I want a grenade launcher, having to sort through a list of 100+ things to find what I'm looking for is a pain. Another alternative is to allow me to resort my list so I can keep my useful swap items at the top.

And yo could always oh I dunno, add more variety to the game or maybe make it a bit more like Blueshift. A sequel is supposed to be better, you unfortunately pulled a Hollywood and made the sequel inferior in terms of variety and speed.

Cool and all but...

My summary of the game is quite abit like the others...

Visually it was a nice game, alot of cool effects for a side scrolling shooter.
I skipped all the conversations since they were of no importance to the task at hand.

One exciting thing was recycling multiple weapons and shields and creating surprises for what to get next! Until the fourth last level of the game i used a Doom Shotgun, it was awesome but nothing in comparison to what i got next.
Triple Edge Grenade Launcher was more or less like a "WTF just happened" weapon, shooting 3 higly explosive grenades at a firing rate out of this world doing about 150 damage to 2 ships in the vicinity of the one actually shot at.

And my shield? XM-0001 Reflect Shield Unit. It was up for like 10 seconds then I could reactivate it within 1 second after. The last boss took me about 15 seconds, if I had used a normal shield and the Doom Shotgun it would probably have taken about 2-3 minutes just to get him down.

Revise the weapons firepower, the huge inventory and the repetitive combat and you have yourself a truly legendary side scroller!

i want a second one !! but ..

the weapon system is way too hard to work with .. it would be simple if it had a item sort button .. in overall this game is cool but it could be way better !!
4/5 8/10


its a great game, even if the item sorting sucks a bit
but the item names described the items pretty good, and the rarity scale made it even easier in later game to differ the good from the bad stuff.
for those who find this game "boring" or have problems selecting the right guns, heres a "guide":

definitively the best ship:
the red one with extra damage.
-only keep the guns having a big area of effect (plus more projectiles):
grenade launchers, rocket launchers, shotguns
the rest is not worth it.
-absorption shields with MUNCH damage or reflection shields (i prefer reflection)
-in a boss fight, go close to the spot you can do damage and spam your AOE cannon and the reflection shield - every boss WILL go down in max. 20 sec. (the end boss too)

this game is not boring, this is just its character - like grinding mobs in a real RPG for items and exp. if thats boring, every single player based rpg will get boring pretty fast.