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Reviews for "Intrinsic"

Hmm, so its pretty late here. Not going to make a detailed review.

The trend I notice is that you start the song nicely, 0:15 goes slightly downhill as the intense feel has now turned into some happy hardcore stuff which I like to call teenager music. Picks up again at 0:45 and I have to add that the lead instrument buildup sounds a bit weak. Climax good use of percussion, but I'm still not liking that lead instrument. Doesn't match with those intense drums. Good use of sidechaining.
1:58 piano composition sounds a bit like "one finger composition" which wouldn't be a problem if it was better made in sound quality. I fell like this part is where you spent the least time on.

Yeah, I know rushed review. Overall, you made a song where half the instruments are good and the other half sound rushed. I would classify parts of the song as video game music which is probably not what you were going for. I also feel that you know how to use your music program well, but the composition is your weakest part. If you can get that improved on, all your future stuff will be that much better. You at least agree with me for the piano composition right...especially the ending.

5/5 review and vote.
I am usually on NG only for the first 2 weeks of my new quarter before I'm absent for the next 9-10 weeks so if you ever wonder where I am, you know now.

Lockyn responds:

No problem, and your reviews are always very thorough and detailed, which I love and appreciate - so thank you!

I agree with the "one finger composition" about the piano, and the general composition of the song. I purposefully skimped on it (mostly because I had no motivation to do anything about it once I had halfassed it already). And you're right, I wasn't going for a video game music feel. But, I was happy enough with the climax - and I do agree with the lead instrument. I was never quite happy with how it sounded, but I had already spent so much time changing it and changing it and changing it... xD I was getting sick of listening to this song LOL.

As always, thank you so much for the review, and please make some new stuff so I can enjoy and review it :) And I did wonder about that occasionally, so thank you for letting me know.

Xtrullor sent me here! :D

Lockyn responds:

wowza this old thing. thanks!

Nice :)

Lockyn responds:


Me while trying to listen to this:...

Me when I succeded (the drop): *gasp*

Lockyn responds:


The whole song builds up to the drop, and then in the drop, the music changes what it is doing every 5 seconds.
And when I try to criticise it for something wrong, I think I'll give up as I would be here for a while to forever.
It will age, but not die.

Lockyn responds:

This one i regret wasting the melodies, wish the track overall was cleaner. thanks mate