well done lol got me
sum ppl just need to lighten up.
well done lol got me
sum ppl just need to lighten up.
Yes true fact :)
Id like to nominate this game to the Oscars as the Most Serious Game, Hardest Game and Best Game Music. I had this... erm, sensation while playing that you dont feel with any other game. This is one of the games that gets into your soul and sticks there to never get out. The art was so beautiful I shed a tear, music is like sweetness for my ears, specially the ending music. The upgrades were the most creative upgrades I have ever seen on any game, for any console. A worm with a Platinum Armour, beautiful art and epic music makes the perfect game. Im willing to see a sequel of this game. Playes for more then 4 hours.
I can agree, and OSCAR sounds nice,
great review :)
oh boohooo you wasted ny bandwidth sob sob
i am going to kill you....... but that is freaking awsome trick
yeah sure good.... no
yeah awsome game, sure, no. most people lke to joke about how games are so amazing when they have one level, and i do too, but then you rick roll me at the end. Now, do you know what happened to the lst person who rick rolled me? they are currently living 40 feet UNDER THE GROUND! your a dead man , person who made this game, DEAD! 2/10