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Reviews for "Zombie Survival Quiz 2"

great quiz

Although I disagree with a few questions in the quiz. First of all a city will contain an abundance of non perishable foods and weapons so getting supplies when you come to a city would be very useful and space inside the city is not nearly limited enough to cause problems for individuals or small groups, the only real worry about a city is the potential for millions of zombies to be there but you could easily get out so long as you didn't go straight through the city. Alternatively trying to go around would use a lot of extra resources and would still leave you close enough to get attacked by zombies from the city. Secondly traveling on bike is much faster than on foot and there are few extreme limitations for the bike, worst case scenario is that you have to ditch the bike temporarily to search for supplies. Finally if you're living in the wild you'll want some hair to keep you warm (believe it or not that stuff is there for a reason). Average length or short hair would be recommended because there is less for zombies to grab at while still providing protection but being bald/shaving your head will leave you at the mercy of nature, precipitation and cold can leave your body vulnerable to disease and disrupt sleep and long periods of time in the sun can give you severe sunburn, hair helps to prevent all of that. Other than those three questions the quiz was very good.

secv responds:

I'm happy you enjoyed the quiz! About the hair thing though, it would be possible to wear a hat or make a simple one.


I got a Z rating .. it helps that I've read both World War Z and Zombie Survival Guide by Brooks. I've also read Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, haha.

It's interesting, I was a biology major through university and after taking a physiology course I tried to apply what I learned about death/decay to zombie physiology and came up with something similar to Brooks albeit no sixth sense and solanum stuff. A friend of mine told me about the books and I read them in one sitting each.

Bring it on zombies .. bring it on.

secv responds:

Excellent! I Brooks' (and your) model sounds the most believable.

Very Fun Game

I found this to be extremely rewarding for those (like myself) who study zombology.

One thing that I did find somewhat befuddling was the radical change in grade, when only one or two answers were changed that didn't relate to the specific grade at all. For example, my first time around i selected the answer "Nothing Happens" when asked about infected animals. next time i selected "they die from infection" and went from a B to an F in emotional strength.
somewhat unrelated in my opinion.

My overall grade turned out to be an A :P

secv responds:

Are you sure that's the only answer you changed?

Any-who, congratulations! You definitely know your stuff!

Questions about one particular type of zombie?

Your coding is well-constructed, and your music is good. Some advice on how to improve one's score against your particular zombies would be better.

This is diverting but not useful; what type of zombie is "in" changes from decade to decade, and how best to survive them changes with it. I realize you're going for the current fashion, but that will change within a few years -- just like powerful but fast-decaying alien-made zombies, once all the rage, are now out.

I'm surprised at how low you rate certain weapons, particularly those with long reach and good stopping power. And hand-to-hand martial arts against something constantly leaking infectious fluids? You must be kidding when you rate that as useful!

secv responds:

I chose one type of zombie because it would be confusing to changed types every other question. Also, I would say the "in" zombie type is the Left 4 Dead infected at the moment, not slow Brooks/Romero zombies.

Actually, based on the zombie lore in this quiz, the blood of a zombie is coagulated and thus does not leak everywhere.

The advantage of martial arts is that you may actually know disabling moves, throws, proper kicking technique (to distance yourself and for power), and are in better shape than many people who do not study a martial art. That being said, zombies should always be avoided, but someone with this technical knowledge is better off than someone without.

Not bad.

First thing I noticed is that the Not Doppler screen music laps over itself, making it sound kinda odd. But the quiz itself is great, although I liked the background music in the first better. Sounded a little creepier.

Great sequel for a great game, just needs a little fixing up here and there, eh?