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Reviews for "Zombie Survival Quiz 2"


i have read max brooks zombie survival guide at least 5 times this is absolutly the best survival quiz out there

on Q36 you should specify whether it is a fresh corpse or not because zombies (according to max brooks) will eat freshly slain humans

Phsyical- B Mental -A Experiance-Z Emotional rating- F Overall-A

Let's rip a "shuffler" a new @$$ hole

Physical: B- Mental: A- Experience: Z+ Emotional F+

Very nice, but I wish each question had one or two more answers, though I understand you ran out of screen room on a few of the questions. Good job!

PS I'm surprised this quiz didn't ask whether or not you OWNED any firearms!

Pretty well done, but one problem

I had just read Max Brooks - Zombie Survival Guide, I'm sure I had gotten all the knowledge questions right, and I only got a B for knowledge.

zombie chow XD

got a c . was so sure that i'd get a b or something . i admit to cheating on the smg question though so i guess i deserve that score . anyway , was expecting a little more , but after reading the last few posts i'd agree with what they are saying , but people should consider that this kind of quiz has limits . they can't really accommodate all skills learned outside the references used due to constraints with code-making and yada yada . but i have to admit the thing about the dart and the lizard is pretty rad , jungle hunter much ? anyways, was expecting a lot more from this because of the minigames mentioned before . sad to see that they weren't incorporated in the game . oh well , here's to hoping there's a third test that actually has those things , though slight , might actually gauge some bit of the tester's skills like reaction time and whatnot . actually made an account to comment on the lack of the promised minigames .

all in all , it's still a good test . i'm still zombie chow though , but that ain't stopping me from busting them up in videogames . >=D


Physical - B, Mental - A, Experience - Z+, Emotional - C, Overall - A

I replayed three times, honest answers for the first, answers I think would be the best for the second, and answers based on the discussions from the ANSWERS option at the end. I still couldn't get that last 2% for experience. O_o

Well, the scoring seems to be a lot more strict when you compare it to the first OSAT, but I agree with king_of_clowns. Some things just really aren't fair.

For one thing, the fighting question was off. I'm a self trained amateur puncher style boxer, but I can easily beat the crap out most of the professional MMA fighters in my weight class and area in sparring sessions, though I have yet to personally join a tournament myself. Was asked to before, but declined. The point is, that I've never had any formal training, no coach, just books, but I can still hold my own against those that have.

As for the guns question, I have experience with rifles, shotguns, and pistols, but only against stationary targets. I can however, blow a needle through a straw and with it, pin a two inch lizard around three meters away to the wall it's crawling on. That, and I can strike a tree sparrow in flight with a slingshot.

As far as nerves are concerned, I've had the pleasure of working with a wildlife protection team that deals with snakes, crocodiles, and the like. I doubt that modern police training would prepare people enough to square off against potentially dangerous wildlife without actually harming them. I mean that I can keep my cool enough to approach, subdue, and capture an agitated snake without hurting it, while the policemen in my country have been known to gun down fleeing unarmed suspects, in a number of cases there are two or more policemen and just one suspect. /:

There are many other useful skills that can be applied in the event of an Apocalypse, a lot of which can also be learned outside the realm of formal training. Those should be taken into consideration. The test is good, but with the length of time that it took to develop, I was expecting more.

Anyway, if anyone can get a perfect 100 in Experience Rating then please do share what it says. Thanks in advance.