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Reviews for "WHOOKOS Beta: Epis 1"

favorited from the start

WHOOKOS WHOOKOS WHOOKOS!!!!!!! and to wacky44; amen brother!



Definitely NOT boring.

It's pretty damn funny and some nice animation to boot. Can't wait for Epis. 2.

very good

it was very funny i liked it, i miss zelda uo but not because its zelda Thats how i found out about it but not the reason why i kept watching it, it had a good story concept which would be cool for a new zelda game but what i really liked was the fighting you had a lot of good fighting scene for the type of animation you used and it looked really well, thats the kind of stuff i like to see, and thats what kept me watching Zelda UO but still give this a 10 star for making me laugh so hard


that cracks me up every time