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Reviews for "The Truth About God"

This made perfect sense!

Ron Jeremy is GOD huh?! O.K......I'll take yer word for that one. I just can't help it...I laughed!! One question tho.....Where is Ron's cock? Let me guess....Sex is banned in heaven, so the proverbial prick is no longer an extremity! Well that just sucks!!! That must be a Catholic heaven....thanks alot assholes!

Just retarded!

One of those movies that was so stupid, I had to laugh a little.

Nice work.

Offensive, and true to life! Kind of shitty animation, though.

Wow......didnt see that coming

I'm gonna be straight, this is strange. The ending did have me laughing for a sec though. =)

Wow...that didn't even make a little sense

really random..but perhaps that was the point of it? I dunno...feels like a "6" to me :)